Chapter 30

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I arrived back in the jungle but there was good news. I found out where Khaniwara is and I was destined to find Jumeirah and her family. Hope missed me and I totally get it, I wanted to go say goodbye to everyone I knew but I just couldn't. She knew that I was in the Emerald Forest with Buckshot and his family, and we are going to keep it that way. I did want to go to Khaniwara but it was too far away. I went back to Kilimanjaro to live with Hope and my cubs yet again. It has been weeks since I seen them. I arrived in my den to see them gone and there was a note.

?: Sorry but we went back to the jungle to find a better life, we can't have you leaving all the time so we decided to go back to the Seonee. Love, Hope.

Hope was gone and done for in my life. I had only one choice now, and that was to go live with the humans. I went back up to Simba's cave.

Andrew: Simba I am leaving

Simba: Yes I know Hope left...where are you going to go

Andrew: Live back with the humans it is the only option I have got

Simba: You promise to come back every so often right.

Andrew: I promise I am going to be on the other side of the world though...but it'll be alright.

I gave Simba a hug and I said my goodbyes. I got out my wings and started flying. I was going to a place called Adventure Bay, Australia on the northeastern coast where mountains and desert surround the city. I heard it is a very nice city so that is why I am going there instead of America. I got to India by nightfall and stopped on a nice mountain in a jungle. The next day I made it there by nightfall after I left at dawn to make it there. I also got some food to eat and something to drink from a river to stay hydrated. I arrived and slept on a bench that night. 

By morning, I heard someone playing. It was a couple of dogs playing in the park and then saw me on the bench.

?: Look at that guy is he okay

?: Let's go check him out

They came over in front of me.

?: Hey dude are you okay

Andrew: Somewhat

?: I haven't seen you around before, where are you from

Andrew: The African Jungle, I was the kid that went missing after the expedition accident.

?: You were the kid that went missing we thought you were dead

?: Until now

Andrew: Yeah a wolf broke my heart and then I left and came here

?: Really well I am Skye, and this is Rubble, Rocky and Zuma

Andrew: Nice to meet you all

Skye: Come on we got a someone you might wanna meet

I followed up to a tower that they called a lookout and there were more dogs and another human up there with them.

Skye: Ryder you have someone that you have got to meet

Ryder: Really who is it

I came out into the light.

Ryder: You look exactly like that person who disappeared around six months ago

Andrew: I am him Ryder is it

Ryder: No way...why didn't you come back six months ago when you got lost in Africa

Andrew: Some wolf pack took me, then I stayed with them for four and a half months then I went up to Kilimanjaro for a month and a half then I helped a herd of deer for a couple of weeks and then I came back here

Ryder: Wow so you have no place to live.

Andrew: No

Ryder: I think we have a spot down here as long as you help us

Andrew: Do what

Ryder: We are the Paw Patrol, Andrew come on help us

Andrew: Yeah sure I got something of my own too

I showed him my morpher

Ryder: I have heard of this....the jungle and wolf spirit

Andrew: Yeah

Ryder: You are in

I am in the Paw Patrol, what will happen next when the jungle loses figures out they lost their great hero.

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