Chapter 28

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The very next morning, before anyone was up, I went to look around the jungle. The Wolf Spirit also told me it is on the southern side, mostly where the dholes used to roam. They now roam on the western side of the jungle. I went around the southern side of the jungle until I ran into a river. I stopped for a while and I found a cave nearby. I searched inside only to find a bear very mad for accidentally running into his cave.

I got out of the cave quick and ran off. I quickly went into the trees and the bear left me alone. I quickly started going south again. I ran into some humans.

Andrew: What are they doing here, it has to be in that temple, the jungle ends here unless if it is southwest or southeast side of the jungle.

I had to be right. It was evening and the humans went off to sleep in their tents. I went into the temple quietly and went into the night. It was very creepy in the temple and I had to keep going very slowly. I went into the basement where I quickly stepped on a booby trap and found a secret entrance. 

Andrew: Look at this entrance, it's pure gold. If the humans find this they would be the richest by far. 

I went into the entrance only to find the Jungle Spirit there.

JS: Welcome you found your way here even in your condition

Andrew: I will do anything to keep my friends and the jungle safe

JS: Alright then here you go Andrew you got the crystal you were looking you better get home the wolves have been desperately looking for you.

Andrew: I am on my way Jungle Spirit

I went back as quick as possible flying home to find that that Berdan is attacking the wolves. I had to do something about it as fast as possible.

Berdan: Look its Andrew and you look a little hurt let me put you out of your misery

Andrew: You may have defeated me once but I got the crystal of the jungle spirit and this is your doom once and for all.

Berdan: Huh what crystal

I got my morpher out

Andrew: With the power of the jungle spirit, give me the power of my the mighty animals

I powered up into a new ranger with new powers and way more powerful than the last version of my ranger.

Berdan: Ha ready to do the same thing as last time

He came in full fury with his paw but I grabbed it and pushed it back. I grabbed my claw and fang and slapped him a few times as hard as possible but he wasn't getting anywhere. I had to do something and fast.

Andrew: Combine weapons.

I combined my blaster, sword, fang and claw to combine into a huge weapon. It was the only way to defeat Berdan.

Andrew: Spirit's Final Strike

I struck at him with all of the power I have got and I got him. He was severely injured and didn't have enough strength to get up.

Andrew: I call the Animal Spirit Sword...attack

The spirits attacked him and he was dead. The jungle was in peace yet again due to Berdan being dead. Since the Emerald Forest wasn't too far away I decided to start heading that way and see what was happening before our eyes.

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