Chapter 9

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Sura and the others came over as one wolf left to get them.

Grizzle: Wow fine we will leave

They left and we waited till morning and then we went back to our lairs and went to sleep. I went to sleep and many hours later a wolf came in to get me.

?: Hey Andrew come on we found something

Andrew: Found something awww....Alright I am coming

I eventually got up and followed the wolf to the place where they found a scroll and a little something but I didn't know what it was. It was triangular with a picture of a wolf.

Akru: Can you read the human language

Andrew: Yes I says 'ye who founds are granted various powers, the first five who touch the triangular shape morpher will be granted powers and only have to say these few words, "From the powers of god, give me the powers of the mighty wolf, Sincerely Hyqui

Sura: So the first five to touch it, so that means Andrew is the first one,

Akru and Sura took a look at it and touched it too.

Andrew: There is more, only worthy ones are allowed to be granted these powers.

?: Only the ones that are worthy so that means the ones are strongest, toughest, and the best, I think

Andrew: I think so too

Sura: I think we should keep it.........

Andrew: I'll keep it I am the only one that can grasp it

That very night we went back on patrol and I was awake all night and Grizzle came back and the exact same thing happened except they were on Sura's side and they fought him and injured him but I got there just in time

Andrew: Hey leave him alone or feel the bad side of Andrew son of Alexander

Grizzle: Ha what can you do you are a human not a wolf

Andrew: From the power of god, give me the powers of the mighty wolf.

Nothing happened. He laughed then I felt something. I was transforming into what the scroll said. Everyone was amazed, even Grizzle. I transformed and I had a cape with a wolf and I had some tools on my tool belt I can use. I had a claw and a blaster, like Power Rangers.

Grizzle: Nice costume too bad I have to kill ya

Andrew: Wolf Claws

I got two claws out and started swinging at Grizzle. All of three of them versus me. All of them came at me and jumped at me.

I did a roll and turned around and swung at the wolves with my claw yet again and missed. Akru and three more wolves eventually they cornered us.

Grizzle: Admit it just give up

Andrew: Never...Blaster

I blasted them and wounded the three wolves with my blaster. They fell back and I somehow combined the two.

Andrew: Final Strike

I struck them with all my might

Grizzle: Alright we are leaving good day

All: Whoo Andrew you did it

They all cheered as we had our day but there are many more days to come, good and bad ones and I'm hoping the best for the good ones.

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