Chapter 2

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It has been nearly two weeks since I have joined the pack and I have been the animal language pretty well. I learned about 90 percent of the words in animal language which has been pretty easy to learn. I have been getting a close bond with Akru and Sura, which I have been sleeping in the same tree every night. It's been a fun two weeks, but Lala, all she does is make fun of me, a 14 year old kid, that somehow got lost and is from America itself, but there is a legend in this jungle where one fateful human must find the crystal of animals. It is hidden somewhere in the jungle and I am destined to find it. Me and Akru were out one morning by a watering hole just sitting around.

Akru: What is one of your favorite passions

Andrew: Oh I don't know

Akru: Please tell me

Andrew: Oh fine, to.....sing.

Akru: Sing.....

Andrew: Yep....I absolutely love it

Akru: Can you sing to me

Andrew: No I can't sorry Akru

I walked down to the lake and Akru followed me to the lake. All I did was stare at the lake just looking at my reflection.

Andrew: I just wish I can feel a part of this pack but it is very hard too at this point

Akru: Why is that

Andrew: I don't know but I feel like I am still not part of this pack

Sura: Hey guys what are you doing over here Baccus found

We followed Sura to where Baccus found something that did look like a crystal and it looked like Akela said in his description of the crystal of animals.

Baccus:What is it

Sura:I've never seen it before

Andrew: looks like that one crystal that Akela was talking about the crystal of...the crystal of.....

Sura: The Crystal of Animals

Andrew: Yeah that's it

Lala: What is going on

Lala is a very sensitive wolf and wants me out of here as fast as possible. She picks on me and tells me to leave the pack everyday

Andrew: I think it's the lost crystal of the animals

Akru: No it can't be

Sura: Let's go show this to Akela

Andrew: Let's go

Lala just followed us and we got to Akela in no time. 

Akru: Akela are you there

Akela: Yeah come in

Andrew: We may have found the Crystal of Animals

Akela: definitely looks like it.... bring it closer

I bring it closer to Akela. He looked at it for a little bit then he got his answer. 

Akela: This is the Crystal of Animals all I heard is you have to say the animal you want to be and you will switch to that animal

Andrew: No way thanks Akela

He shook his head and we headed back down towards the water hole

Andrew: Whoa now I can finally change into a wolf

Akru: You should change into a wolf

Andrew: Yeah I should....wolf

I changed into a wolf in nearly ten seconds. I was a golden brown wolf for my fur and my belly and my bottom was light golden brown.

Akru: Whoa you look amazing

Andrew: I do

Sura: Look in the water, your water reflection

I looked in the water, with a golden brown, more of a brown reflection and I turned back and headed towards the den now feeling better about myself. I feel like I was part of the pack.

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