Chapter 10

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Grizzle was gone. Everyone in the jungle thanked me for it, but I don't think he is gone. A wolf that is fierce and heartless wouldn't just leave like that. He would've went into hiding somewhere so he can master out his plan. 

That very next week, which was five days later, there was something sketchy going on that I did not know about and I wanted to know what was going on. Bagheera and Baloo were always going away on 'hunting trips' and I really wanted to know what was going on. 

Bagheera: Well Andrew if you want to know why don't you come with me after all, I didn't say you can't come as well as that Akru and Sura wanted to know the exact same thing, you should invite them too, meet me in this spot this afternoon

Baloo: Yeah but be ready for anything that comes your way, you know that Shere Khan has been around lately

Andrew: Hmm the way I saw a huge snake earlier it was humongous

Bagheera: Really

Kaa: Hey guys what are you talking about

?: Somebody help....somebody

Andrew: Alright sounds like help come on

I kept listening to the sound then I found that same snake. It was humongous like I said

Andrew: Hey over here don't even try it

A lion cub also followed the sound

?: Why hello there wanna meet my 'fire'

He blew fire at us

Andrew: With the power of God, bring me the powers of the mighty wolf

While I was morphing, he tried shooting fire at me, but I was protected and I started running after him. 

He tried shooting fire many times but he missed. I got the cobra away from the wolf cub and then I got on the cobra's back and tried riding him to make him hurt himself. I had no choice but to get out my claws and blaster. I swung at him hitting him but he barely was hurt. It was going to be tough defeating him. I seen the cub was gone and decided to leave

Andrew: Sorry but got to go

Cobra: What no no no

He screamed mercifully as I got away from his thrusts. I got back to see the wolf cub was safe along with Bagheera, Baloo, Dharma and a little deer came to cheer on Simba.

Simba: I can't have all the credit this human helped me

Dharma: That is Andrew, the newest of the pack, the one who fought Grizzle and won 

Simba: Really a human defeated the menacing grizzle

Andrew: And his two henchmen, who were probably, combined stronger than Grizzle

Dharma: I forgot to tell you, don't be shy Buckshot, he won't hurt you...

The little deer came upon very slowly and then Dharma started introducing to the little deer

Dharma: Andrew, this is Buckshot.....

Andrew: Buckshot, I may be part of a wolf pack but I don't hunt fawns, I never do that especially the one who is going to be King of the Black Forest someday

Buckshot: You know about that

Andrew: Yeah I known about that since I joined the pack a month ago

Dharma: You better get going on the ceremony, I heard you will sing in front of them

Andrew: Yeah I better

Akru and Sura came to finally get me

Sura: So these are our future kings

Dharma: Go we will talk later

I went on to the ceremony but then Dharma and the rest came. I didn't know who the ceremony was for, but I recognized it when the cute Simba and Buckshot came up

Andrew: Alright thanks for coming I mean this is an honor to have this many hear these are our future kings and we should keep it that I am going to sing a song, a song of what gives us life

"When the Earth was young And the air was sweet And the mountains kissed the sky In the far beyond, with its many paths We can think that we see Truly see all around us But when we look Do we see with open minds? Fill our hearts and souls with all you know Find a way to help us See from all sides Truly see from all sides  

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