Chapter 18

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The next day was the day of the initiation to get into the pack. Of course it was going to be easy only catching a couple of rabbits and a bird. It was almost too easy but it was timed, of course and of course it was almost too easy to even get half way. 

When they started the initiation, I went down by the river to start out with, because water means thirsty animals. I easily found the two rabbits that I needed at the river in nearly twenty minutes. and all I needed now was a bird. I found one in a branch so I climbed to the one next to it and carefully tried to sneak up on it. When I did I jumped and barely got its wings. I kilt it instantly and went back to the pack with my rabbits and bird.

Dominic: Wow in record time too that is the most fastest I have ever are in the pack

The pack cheered on and they howled. I saw one wolf coming from a distance. I got his scent. It was Akru coming back, but why.

Akru: Andrew....Andrew where are you

Andrew: What is Akru doing here

Dominic: Akru...who is that

Andrew: My brother I need to go talk to him

Dominic: Go 

I went to Akru as fast as possible to finally find him. I finally found him down by the river 

Andrew: Akru....

We hugged each other for the longest time then Akru started to speak

Akru: Why did you leave we've been worried sick about you

Andrew: You guys are better off without me anyway you have Maki and Sura has Lala and everyone has everyone so I decided to leave

Akru: Andrew you should know that by now and besides you should know we try to get time with you 

The pack came down to me seeing me and Akru

Dominic: So this is Akru huh

Akru: Yeah who are you

Dominic: I'm Dominic the pack why did you come all this way 

Akru: We need you Andrew there has been new evil coming to the jungle, those cobras

Andrew: Oh no....guys I can't stay here

Dominic: I understand 

Andrew: You do

Dominic: Go we will always have you in our eyes

Akru: Let's go

I followed Akru back to the jungle which took a while and we were back by dawn the next day. I suddenly smelled the female wolf that I saved earlier but I thought I was dreaming. The very next morning I smelled her again. I followed the smell and there she was sleeping.

Andrew: Yoo hoo are you there

Hope: Huh...why did you wake me up

Andrew: Why did you follow us Hope

Hope: Because I was getting tired of that wolf was worthy....well except you no single wolf could ever defeat that snow leopard single handed. 

Andrew: Oh it was nothing where we are I have to worry about a tiger breaking rules every day. 

Hope: Wow.....

Sura: Andrew you are back

Andrew: Hey Sura

They came, jumped on me, then gave me a lick or two

Hope: Who are those two

Andrew: That is Akru and Sura my best friends

Sura: You bring a wolf home Andrew

Andrew: Yeah I sure did...guys this is Hope

Jungle KidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora