Each and every day

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It's that time of night again
When your thoughts are plagued
By those unsavoury souls
And anxiety creeps into each corner
Of your comfortably uncomfortable whole
And lust is out doing the devils work
Preparing your heart for after blues

It's that time of the night again
And you're tearing at your clothes
Craving something, anything
That'll distract from how you feel
That'll tire you out just enough
To dampen the all-consuming conflict
And allow you to momentarily heal

It's that time of the night again
When the moment's passed
And you're left with an empty mind
Now there's silence, it's dark and cold
And there's nothing left to hide behind
And there's nothing left to hold

It's that time of the night again
And you're free-falling
To the bottomless pits of your head
Your screams left the monsters fed
Yet forever lacking satisfaction

It's that time of the night again
Your pillow is soaked in tears
Each one for a different fear
And your entire being is engulfed
By the uncomfortable truth
That you'll never manage to run away
Not from what you're trying to escape
But you'll still repeat the process
Each and every day
Hoping the relief might stay.

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