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You don't have a choice
I won't let you have a choice
You're going to find a way
I'll find it with you
Listen to what I have to say
Please, I'm begging you

There's other things you can do
This isn't what you need
I promise you
Just believe me
I'm begging you, please

Just don't go
I know you can do this
You've survived before
I know you can again
Please, I'm begging you

I believe enough for both of us
Just hold onto something
It can be anything
I'm begging you, please

I don't want you to suffer
You deserve so much more
But I want you to stay for you
You have so much life left to live
I don't want you to miss out
Because your mind is a bitch
But I can't lie, I'm being selfish too
I don't want you to end your pain
Because it'll hurt me too much
And I can't take that
So I'm on my knees
And I'm begging you, please.

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