(1) I was the girl nobody noticed, until you came along and ruined it!

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Mkay, so here's the first chapter, the title probably wont make any sense to you just yet, but it will soon :)


My name is Jayne. "Plain Jane".

Yes, my parents weren't very creative with my name, and no, they did not think of rude names that kids at school could call me.

I've never been very special, I have long plain red hair that goes to my waist, plain green eyes, a plain tall thin body. I'm an all around plain person.

I've never had friends at school-Wait, that's a lie. I had one friend, his name was Myles and he moved away when I was ten and he was eleven.

His father was the head of a big company co-owned by my father and they were in need of a factory in the States somewhere and his family was forced to move. (From Canada)

Our parents still talk of course, but it's been six years since I've seen him and we haven't spoken, so I can't really consider us friends.

At school I stick to myself and ignore what others think of me, I get hundreds on everything, but it's not like I actually try, or like I pay attention in class. In class I write-poems, stories, songs, everything-but mostly songs.

I love music and even though most people into music just love on type and think the rest is junk, I don't. To me that doesn't make you passionate about music, it doesn't give you a greater understanding of music.

To me, if you only like one type of music and you think that the rest is junk then you just can't see the beauty of each type, you can't see the time and effort and hard work put into that song, or you can't see the pure beauty of the lyrics or the wondrous music to the song or you're not seeing the hidden meaning and the messages in the song, because sometimes you need to look deeper.

Yes, I'll admit that some songs are just plain stupid, whether the lyrics are junk or the music itself is junk, but usually at least one of them is good, and If one is good the song is okay


I realized that while I had been thinking about music Mark had been talking to me.

Mark is a friend...but he's eighty seven.

So I'm not sure if that counts. "I'm sorry, what?"

He chuckled, "I said, did you check on Fee-Fee?"

Fee-Fee is the store pet, she's a rabbit I found while going for a walk in the woods two years ago when I was fourteen. She was injured and I was scared so I took her in here where I met Mark.

I've been volunteering ever since, but once I turned legal age to receive minimum wage he insisted that I was put on the schedule and I saved up my money working here for a whole year--six hours on school days, eight on weekends--and made quite a bit all together; including tips from customers and extra hours in the summer and school breaks and such.

So when I turned sixteen and I was old enough to get my license I had enough to get a half decent car.

"Fee-fee? Right. I'll get right on that." I nodded and walked over to her.

We had been standing in the back room where I was supposed to be filling out paper work, and as I left I heard him mutter something like 'that child, tsk, always in her own little world fat one'

"Whoa, wait a second." I turned around. " Did you just call me fat?"

Shocked would be an understatement as to how I feel right now-this man, this man right her, the one who thinks I'm freaking anorexic and is always shoving food down my throat 'to get some meat on them bones' (he refers to me as skin and bones rather than human) just called me fat! Is he feeling well? Or are all of his fattening foods actually starting to show on me?

I looked down, but I didn't look any different, and my clothes didn't feel any snugger...

"Pft. You? Fat? What are you kids smokin' these days?" he shook his head and carried in with whatever it was he was doing.

"Did you not just all me fat?"

"Yes. Wait, no. Er, yes. Oh, wait. No or-Urg, I don't know. What I'm trying to say is that your not fat, but you worded that funny and I don't know if I'm supposed to say yes or no."

He looked so frustrated that I had to laugh, and he eventually joined in too.

"Aright I better head over to check on Fee-Fee."

I exited the back room and went up to the front of the store where Fee-Fee's cage is.

She had broken her leg last week while making a desperate escape-it was quite funny at the time, but then I felt bad for laughing once I realized that she hurt herself.

She had been in her cage like usual when Mark let one of the birds loose to see if he could still fly (his wing just finished recovering) and he could.

At first.

But then he took tumble-right into Fee-Fee's cage.

That's when Fee-Fee decided that an escape was in measure and made a dramatic leap from her mini cabin to the ground--only she had to go over the wire fencing that her cage is made of.

Yeah, she didn't quite make it.

Her leg got caught in the wire, and that's where it got serious-I was not laughing at that point.

"Hey girly. How's you doin' over here? Awww, is your foot better? Your tough, yes you are, very tough. Now, let's see if you need a new bandage or not, okay? Is that aright sweetie? Come on. Come see momma, and I'll make it better for you." As I was talking I had been leaning down over her cage to reach in and pick her up, but she was lookin' out at me through the window in her cabin, not wanting her leg touched.

Then I heard a throat clear.


So it obviously wasnt Mark who cleared his throat...  

And, well, shes leaning over a cage!  

In other words, sticking her but in the air, putting on a show for however is behind her :P

So, tell me what you think,  

even if its bad,  

and feel free to point out any mistakes,  

...and possibly vote/comment/fan

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