P'Gemma's Past

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Kit's POV


I have been avoiding P'Pha since that drinking night three days ago. I never thought, I never thought that P'Pha would confessed to me and...and he kissed me.

I was shocked, and I don't know how I should react, so I guess I take an easy way out, I run away. I admit I'm starting to feel something for him but...but we are friends. I don't want to jump into a relationship with him without careful consideration.


If...if our relationship cannot work out, I don't think we can be friends again. You know, it's awkward to be friends with your ex, especially after a nasty breakup. I don't want to lose our friendship. Maybe it's better to be friends than lovers.


"I have been losing count of how many times you have sighed. You look troubled. Anything bothering you?" A far too familiar voice coming from on top of my head.

I look up and there she is, the scary cousin of Forth. I'm wondering how she can wanders around our school so freely like she owns the place.


"Hey! Come on, don't lie to me. You said nothing, but your face tells another story. You know you can talk to me. Don't forget I'm at least a decade older than you. Who knows? Maybe you will find your answers after talking to me."

She was right. She is older and wiser. Maybe she can give me some advices on what to do. I can't avoid P'Pha forever without giving him an answer. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

I told her about what happened on that night we all went drinking, about how I feel for P'Pha, about my dilemma, about everything.

"I see... Ok, I think I can understand what's troubling you now. Hahaha... I must say, we had make a right choice to go drinking that night because it seemed like Ming was not the only one who got an unexpected kiss, you got it too. Hahaha..."

I can feel my cheeks are getting warm. I pout, "P, please don't tease me!"

Wait a minute... How did she know Ming got an unexpected kiss that night??

She raises both hands as in surrender, "Ok! Ok! Don't tease you anymore. First, let me share with you my story. Maybe after hearing my story, you will have a decision on your mind."

I nod, "Ok!"

"I met my first boyfriend in university. At that time, we were so happy together and I was so in love. I even dreamed of having a future with him, dreamed about how our wedding would looked like, where we were going to have our first house and how many children we were going to have. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was so happy that I wanted him to be the first person to know so I went to his apartment without notifying him."

Uh-no! I have a bad feeling about it.

"I wanted to surprise him but, in the end, I was the one who got surprised. I caught him in bed with another woman and found out that he had been cheating behind my back for months with more than one woman but that was not the worst thing happened to me."

Oh, no! The baby!

"Yeah. I miscarried. I lost the baby, my baby." A drop of tear escapes from her eyes and she wipe it with the back of her hand.

"There was a period I was so depressed that I isolated myself from others. I was lucky to have my family and friends who love me unconditionally. It was their unconditional love for me that pulled me through. I was able to get back on my own feet and moved on with my life after a period of struggling. But that incident had caused me not to believe in love, not to believe in men until I met someone..."

"Your husband?"

"Yeah. We fought on our first encounter and we were not in a very good term. In other words, we hated each other. But then something happened, and we were kind of being forced to work together. After going through lots of obstacles and challenges together, we became good friends and best partners."

When she speaks about their first encounter and things they went through, there is a reminiscent smile forms on her face.

"When he first confessed his love to me, I was shocked, and I was scared. I was shocked that I never thought that he would have feelings for me. He was my best friend. He was someone I turned to when I ran into problems. In my heart, I wanted to give him a chance, but I was scared. I feared of falling in love again. I feared of baring my heart to someone and he misused it. I didn't know what to do so I ran away."

"At that time, I had a friend from Korea had been diagnosed with last stage of leukaemia. She asked me to accompany her till her last moment and I agreed so I left Taiwan to avoid him and went to Korea."

"I really learned a lot from that friend. She knew she was dying but she didn't give up on life. Instead of giving up, she made full use of it. She made me realised that life is short and full of unpredictable. The most importantly is to treasure what you have now."

"After her funeral, the first thing I did when I reached Taiwan was to go and find him to let him know my answer. I gave him a chance to love me and gave myself a chance to love again, and we got married after two years of dating. I am glad that I had make that choice at that time. If not, I won't have a blissful marriage and a lovely husband who loves me so deeply and is willing to accept all my flaws."

Listening to her story is like treading over an emotional minefield. I feel sad for her. Every time I see her, she looks so confident and full of energy. Never thought that she had been through so much.

"Kit, the purpose of telling you this story is to let you know, no one can predict what will happen in future. Not me, I won't know too. When I was with my first boyfriend, I won't know that he will cheat on me. When I first met my husband, I won't know that we will became friends. When we were dating, I won't know that we will get married. Too many possibilities can happen. So, how will you know the outcome if you didn't give yourself a chance to try it out?"

She reaches out her hand and covers mine with hers, "At that time, I was just like you, afraid of this, afraid of that, but ask yourself, how can you be so sure that the relationship won't work out. Everything has two sides. Why think of the negative side without thinking of the positive side? Maybe your relationship with Pha will be a blissful one, just like mine."

"Kit, give yourself a chance and give him a chance. I know it's a risk to take but we are taking risks every day. Don't you think so? Every decision you make, you are risking something. No matter how confident you are, there's one thing called 'unexpected'. Kit, ask yourself, does he worth the risk? Think about what I said."

"Ok! I think I should leave you alone with your thoughts. If you want to find me, ask Beam, he knows where to find me." She gives me a gentle smile before walking away.

Since when she has been so close with Beam?


She was right. Life is so short and full of uncertainties. I shouldn't be sitting here and worry about what will happen in the future. I should focus on 'now', the present, not the future. If you ask me, I will say P'Pha worth the risk.

I sigh again but this time is a sigh of relief. It's like the heavy weight in my heart had been lifted. I glance at the direction she went.

Thank you, P'Gemma!



Here I come.... again..
Double Updates for today 🎉🎉

This chapter is about P'Gemma's past and how she uses her own story to make Kit understand.

Thank you for your votes, comments and for reading my story. Hope you enjoy it. 🙇🙇

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