Love Game

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Wayo's POV

Tonight, is the last night of the school break and I'm starting to have butterflies in my stomach. Few more hours left... I must face him tomorrow, no matter how much I want to escape. I can't skip school because of him.

I'm sitting on the balcony chair, gazing at the sky. I turn around when I felt a pat on my shoulder. P'Forth is standing behind me with two bottles of water in his hand, he passes one to me and sits beside me.

"Feeling nervous of going to school tomorrow?" I nod.

"It's natural to feel nervous, especially the one you are going to face is the one you love." He said gently.

"P'Forth, hope you don't mind me asking you. Is there someone in your heart?" I ask with curiosity.

"Yes, there is someone inside my heart. Want to hear my story?"

"Yes, I am very happy to."

"He and I started off with a one-night stand, a fling and a love game."

He?! Oh! It means the one P'Forth loves is a guy?!

"I met him in a pub which I frequently visited. At that very moment I laid my eyes on him, all I could think of was how to get him in my bed. It was sexual attraction at first sight. I was lucky that he had felt the same attraction as me, so we had our one-night stand. At that time, we knew nothing about each other except our names. I never thought that we would meet again after that night, but we did. He was a freshman from Business faculty."

Huh!! From Business faculty?! It means he could be someone Ming knows.

"The second time we met, I noticed that the attraction between us were still there so both of us agreed on sex without commitment. At that time, the relationship between us was just like a love game to us. Both of us didn't want to have commitments. We just wanted to have fun. But as the time went by, I noticed that I was starting to feel for him. I started to care for him, started to feel jealous when someone near him. I started to notice details about him, things he likes, and dislikes and I knew that I had fallen in love with him."

"Did you confess to him?"

"Yes. And I was dumped by him. Our fling lasted about four months. The day I confessed to him was the day our love game ended and so was our fling. He rejected me." He said with a sad smile on his face.

"What?! He rejected you?! Looks like he needs a new pair of glasses. Whoever has a right mind, will not reject a man like you."

I can't imagine P'Forth being rejected. Who will reject such a nice guy like P'Forth?

"Hahaha.... Thanks for your compliment. I was very sad at first when he rejected me. But after I learned about the reason why he rejected me, I don't blame him for breaking my heart." He let out a soft laugh.

"There is a reason that he rejected you??"


P'Forth's POV

"Yes. He rejected me because his best friend was in love with me and he couldn't bear to break his best friend's heart. I can understand his difficulties and I don't blame him. I have to say I was happy that he rejected me not because he doesn't love me so maybe I have a place in his heart too. I told him that I will wait for him to come to me and I'm still waiting." I explained.

"N'Yo, I can understand how you feel. I have my own fears too. It's alright to be afraid of being rejected by your loved one but don't let the fear takes control of you. Running away is not the best solution. The best solution of solving a problem is to face it. N'Yo, I just want you to know that no matter what happens, you still have us by your side. I can lend you my shoulder whenever you need." I continued.

"Thanks, P'Forth. Knowing you and P'Gemma is the most fortunate thing that ever happens to me. Both of you change my life. Thank you, P'Forth." He bowed and thanked me.

"N'Yo, you are too polite. Even though we are not blood related but to me and P'Gemma, you are our baby brother, our family." He smiles at me sweetly.

"P'Forth, does P'Gemma know about your love story?" He asks with curiosity showing on his face.

"I'm not sure whether she knows it. I didn't tell her about it,  but I know my cousin too well. She always has her ways of finding out things she wants to know so don't be surprised if she knows things that you didn't even mention to her." He chuckles.

Hope you won't be surprised if you find out that she knows everything about N'Ming. This cousin of mine, if I didn't know her, I will have thought that she was a witch.

She always seems like she knows everything, and she always know people who know people. Please don't tell her that I called her a witch. She will make my life miserable if she knows about it.

"It's late now. You have morning class tomorrow. Sleep early and don't worry too much. Everything will be alright. Just remember, you are not alone. Understand?" I ruffle his hair and said.

"Yes, P'Forth. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight to you too."

N'Yo, have a good rest tonight. There is a big surprise waiting for you tomorrow and I'm sure that everything will turn better for you after tomorrow. I hope you don't blame me when you find out that I had told Beam about your whereabouts.


This is a short chapter about Forth and Beam.

Thanks for all the votes, comments and for the time reading my story. 😊😊

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