Chapter 10: Lightning Strikes (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

In the distance, I could see some sort of clearing up ahead. I started walking towards it. As I got closer, the crickets and other sounds of the night faded until they were completely silenced. The warmth in my chest was growing. The air felt different. It was crisp and it had an energy that I never felt before. The energy embraced me and compelled me to walk further.

I stood at the edge of the clearing and immediately recognized it, even though I had never been here before. It was a perfect triangle. There was a clear, defined line between the trees and the clearing. The tree roots bent in on themselves, almost like they were afraid to cross over into the clearing. Reality was caving in on itself. A hazy barrier of energy surrounded the clearing, manipulating the light and air around it. This was the clearing from my dreams. This was the place Bill had visited me before he invaded Stan's mind and to warn me about my terrible fate.

And then I stepped in. Crossing the barrier was like walking through a wall of warm water, but it wasn't wet. I strode towards the center of the clearing as the grass brushed across my ankles.

When I stepped into the center of the triangle, it was as if I had flipped a switch. Suddenly, a strong wind picked up and a thick layer of clouds set in, completely blocking the moon. The clouds started swirling, some clockwise, some counter-clockwise, and the center of the clouds was directly above me. Blue strands of electricity formed and became tangled within the clouds. The hair on my arms was standing up on end. My skin was tingling; there was a buzzing in the air.

If I was thinking straight, I would've been running away from here, never to look back, but I couldn't leave. My feet were stuck to the ground. I looked up to the center of the clouds to see the strands of blue electricity morph together, then flash. Hundreds of billions of watts of electricity coursed through my body, then darkness.

Dipper's POV:

--Time Skip (a few minutes earlier)--

So, I might have made a mistake. I know Y/N is making a mistake by trusting Bill, but I didn't even give her a chance to explain herself. And now she was walking into the Gravity Falls forest all alone.

She told me not to follow her, but, yeah, that's not happening. I followed behind her, but not close enough to be detectable. She kept walking deeper into the forest at a steady pace; her red dress flowed behind her as she walked. I knew she found nature calming, but I couldn't understand what compelled her to keep walking.

I started to see a clearing in the distance. Y/n walked to it like a moth to a flame, but it repelled me. Every step I took towards it, the louder my body screamed at me to turn around. My concern for Y/n was the only thing stopping me.

Y/n stood at the edge of the clearing. The air was hazy and rippled around the entirety of the clearing. And then she stepped in. I had a bad feeling about this. I watched her stop in the center of the clearing from behind a tree just outside it.

Immediately after she stepped into the middle, a freak storm hit, and it clearly was not a coincidence. Storm clouds rolled in in seconds and quickly became charged with blue electricity.

A metallic taste settled in my mouth and the air crackled with electricity. I realized what was about to happen too late. The blue energy conjoined and formed a lightning bolt that struck Y/n straight through her heart. She collapsed to the ground. A blue glow ignited around the clearing, forming a perfect triangle. A wave of energy radiated outward, almost knocking me to the ground.

"Y/N!" I cried as I ripped myself away from the tree and ran to her, jumping over the blue glow. I knelt beside her and shook her. "Please wake up, please wake up! You have to be okay!" My voice got shaky and my vision became blurry as tears streamed down my face. "I need you."

This all seemed like some horrible nightmare. But it was all real. I buried my face in her chest and sobbed the ugliest of sobs. Y/n was gone, and I was to blame.

But then, by some miracle, Y/n gasped sharply and I felt her chest fill with oxygen. I pulled away and stared into her confused eyes before wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"I thought I lost you," I muttered.

She was silent for a while, but then spoke softly, "I don't know what came over me... I was just drawn to this place. It was like a spell or something."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

She tried to stand up, but I held her down. "Woah, slow down. You literally just got struck by lightning," I emphasized.

"I'm okay, really," she reassured me. "I know that I shouldn't be... but I am. I feel different, but a good different. I don't know how to explain it."

I could feel it too. There was almost an energy radiating off her. I looked at her flustered smile and I started smiling too. Why had I been wasting so much time afraid of my feelings for Y/n?

And then I kissed her, and for a second, everything was perfect.

And then it wasn't. A painful, sudden shock went coursing through from lips through the rest of my body. I broke our kiss and winced in pain.

Her eyes were wide. "Did I... Did I do that?" the blue glow surrounding the clearing ignited into a smoldering, blue fire. She turned her head and watched the fire burn, her tone elevated. "Am I doing this?"

Y/n was breathing heavy, and the fire grew the more she panicked. I couldn't believe what was happening. I didn't understand. Gravity Falls was paranormal central, but Y/n wasn't a part of that. And yet, I couldn't find a rational explanation for anything that was happening.

I took one of Y/n's hand in each of mine. "Deep breaths, okay? In through your nose, out through your mouth."

She nodded and tried her best to steady her breathing. She eventually calmed down and the fire went out and the glow stopped.

I reached my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She buried her face in my neck.

I didn't understand what just happened, or what it meant, but I knew things were about to get a lot more complicated.

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So... what do you guys think? Be honest, I appreciate constructive criticism 😊 If you have any questions, let me know in the comments, I'll answer as soon as possible! 

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