Chapter 10: Lightning Strikes (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Y/n," Dipper said, taking a seat on the end of the bed. "What's going on with Mabel? Last time I saw her run that fast, she was trying to catch the ice cream truck."

"Oh, yeah... she's, uh, planning a date for us," I laughed lightly, putting my book down.

Dipper's face went bright red. "A... date?"

"Yeah. You don't have to though, I totally get it if-"

"No, no, I want to," he smiled. He moved closer and cupped my hand in his. His hands were warm and comforting. "I just didn't think you'd want to."

I shifted my gaze away from our connected hands and stared into Dipper's brown eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"You've just been so distant the past few days, I was starting to think you didn't like me or something."

"Aw, Dips, no. That's not it at all. It's..." I paused, but I couldn't get the words out. "It's nothing. Really."

He nodded but I could see it in his eyes that he didn't believe me, he was just trying not to pry. Surely, he'll question me about it later, but for now, he was giving me my space.

--Time Skip—

The day had passed quite quickly; it was almost 7. After Dipper came to talk to me, we had pretty much just avoided each other all day, which told me this was going to be an awkward date. I knew the tension between us was because of me keeping things from him.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Mabel burst through it like a bull being released from a pen. The smile on her face practically lit up the room.

"It's almost time for your date!" Mabel announced in a sing-song voice. "I'm so excited!"

"That's great, Mabel, but where am I even going for this date?" I asked. I walked over to my closet and opened the door. "I have no idea what I should wear."

Mabel skipped over to my closet and began rummaging through my things.

"Too plain," she sighed as she tossed a black dress on the floor and continued rummaging. "Too long," she muttered as she cast away another dress.

A few more of my clothes made their way to the pile of fabric collecting on the floor before Mabel swivelled around with a smirk, flashing her braces. She reached into the closet and triumphantly held up a red fit and flare dress. My mom had bought me the dress a few months ago, forgetting that I had nowhere to wear it, until now.

"It's perfect!" She gasped, handing me the dress. "Dipper is gonna think you look SOO HAWT!"

I took the dress off the hanger and chuckled. "Thanks, Mabel."

I heard the owl pendulum clock downstairs strike 7. Date time.

Mabel squealed. "Quick, get ready! Dipper should be waiting downstairs for you!"

She winked at me and left as quickly as she came, slamming the door behind her.

I quickly changed into my dress, then took one look at the heels in my closet and threw on sneakers instead.

I opened the wooden door and headed downstairs to find Mabel, Candy and Dipper awaiting me at the bottom. The three of them watched me as I stepped down the stairs, not taking their eyes off me the whole way down. Dipper's mouth hung open.

I reached out and lightly lifted Dipper's chin with my fingertips, breaking him out of his daze.

"Y/n, you look... incredible," he murmured breathily.

I looked down at my black sneakers and then back into Dipper's eyes and smiled. "Thanks."

I scanned Dipper and laughed. "You know, I don't get to see you in suits very often, but I'm definitely a fan."

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