For A Different Time Pt 4

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This is around...I think AGTIKBI/Upgrade time of day, Jeremy wakes up really late on weekends so it's like...anywhere from 1-3 o' clock
TW: do I need to say there is gonna be swearing at this point?

Jeremy rushed to the game store and was just in time before the line got there. So he was first in line.

"Looks like they're giving the first 10 copies away Slugger. You got lucky." Jeremy smiled as he received the game from one of the employees, running back out of the shop and examining it.

"This is so damn cool Michael is gonna love it!!" Jeremy's thoughts were wild as he began making his way to the pins and patches shop, grabbing himself a shopping bag from one of the bad disposal machines.

He stepped into the shop and found what a multitude of patches. The first was a patch of the Filipino flag, because Jeremy knew how much Michael wanted that patch. (Michael only has the Inky, Pac-Man, and Gay Pride flag patches rn)

Second was an AotD patch, and it was conveniently for level 9. He also found some pins for the game as well, and he knew Michael loved decorating his backpack so he got them.

But the patch he was sure would surprise Michael was the heart, which he got two of, one for himself and one for Michael.

After purchasing them and gently sitting them in his bag, he made his way to leave the mall, surprisingly not interrupted by accidentally bumping into anybody.

(It is now that the author screams because half the chapter deleted!)


When he got home he immediately headed upstairs, not wanting to see his dad pantsless yet again.

He shut the door and put his cardigan on the foot of his bed, removing his shoes and eventually pulling his phone out.

"I suggest you ask Michael if you can go over to his house tomorrow." Jeremy nodded and quickly went to Michael's contact.

Player 2: hey Michael can I visit tomorrow?

Player 1: of course. Lucky you, my moms r goin out so it'll just be you and me!

Jeremy went to say 'about that...' but the Squip shook its head.

"W-Why not?"

"I don't think Michael should know I work...there are certain...circumstances involving my technology and somebody he knows that didn't end well and he'd probably try and deactivate me before I can help you."

"What... circumstances?" Jeremy questioned and the Squip sighed, sitting down next to Jeremy and snapping, his clothes simply being a t-shirt with Khonji printed on it, and some blue pajama shorts.

"I don't need you ever mentioning this to him, I'm not even supposed to tell you this but...Michael knew what I was the moment Rich mentioned it."


"His brother, Alec, had gotten a Squip... to help him with school, but it wasn't even a 1.0 so it was very very unstable. A prototype that somehow get into his hands. It was very abusive, manipulative, and he had to drink himself to sleep just to ignore it."

"W-Wait...where is he now?"

"I believe he would be in a mental institution...he went insane trying to rid himself of his Squip. You're very lucky Jeremy. My model is the most up to date, being a 3.5, which aren't really allowed to be abusive or manipulstive, and we are capable of imitating human emotions. To make our hosts, if you will, more comfortable."

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