Hide & Seek

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The girls and I stood there confused and I was a little scared.

"Why are the doors locked?" Kiara asked.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here." I replied.

I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight. Once people saw my light, they did the same with their phone.

"Oh hey guys!" A girl said to us.

I turned around and it was Tae'Anna.

"Hey." I replied.

The girls and I pushed through the crowd looking for the boys. They were all siting on the steps. I sat on Carter's lap (I changed his name it's not khalil anymore). Kiara sat behind Lamar and Dasia sat in between Christian's legs.

"So what now?" Dasia asked.

"I don't know but I'm about to go find my date." Tae'Anna said as she walked off.

While we sat on the steps and talked for a while, other people were trying to open windows and doors but failing. Out of nowhere, there was a loud noise. It was like a gunshot in the air. Everyone screamed. Carter held me tight as we all turned around to where the noise came from. There were two figures standing at the very top of the steps. One had a megaphone and a gun and the other just had a gun. I was so confused and definitely scared. Everyone went silent when the person with the megaphone began talking.

"I know you guys are wondering what the hell is going on so I will just explain. You guys are gonna be hunted by my brother and I. It might not be fun for you but it sure will for us. Just think of this lil game of ours as... Hide and Seek." The mysterious girl said cheerfully.

Everyone gasped. I began crying. I didn't want to die. Especially not like this.


I patted Asia's back as she cried. Truth be told, I wanted to cry too. This was crazy and uncalled for. Like why does this have to happen to us? What have I done to deserve to die like this. I looked up as the girl began talking again.

"Ok, we're gonna count to 100 and you should know what happens when we find you and don't think about calling the cops. We already have that covered. So lets begin!" She said.

As soon as she said begin, we all shot off the steps and began looking for hiding spaces. The basement was the first place I thought. We all ran to the basement. I turned around to lock the door but the handle was broke off. There smart. I groaned then ran down the steps.

"Ok now what?" Christian asked.

I looked around for really good hiding spots and so did everyone else. The people in the basement were Asia, Carter, Dasia, Christian, Tae'Anna, her date Marcel, Lamar, and I.

"Pst! There's a giant vent back here." Asia whispered.

We all ran towards the vent. Lamar tried to open it but there were screws in them. Everyone groaned.

"Wait! If we can find a screw driver then we can unscrew it and climb in. " I said.

We all frantically searched for a toolbox. Finally we found one and began unscrewing the vent. As Christian was about to take out the last screw, there was a gunshot. We all flinched but didn't scream. I shook my head because I knew someone just got shot.

"Ok, come on." Christian said.

Marcel went through first to see where the vent led us. He came back and said it leads into the game room we all nodded. Marcel climbed back out because Tae'Anna and him had an idea. Dasia climbed through first, along with Chrisitan, then Asia and Carter, then me and Lamar. As we made our way down the vent, it began getting bigger to where we could move around a lot. We needed up stopping because we had to climb the vent to get out and it was really high so Dasia got on Christians neck and climbed up. She kicked the vent really hard and it flew open. She climbed down and said it was clear to come in. Next, Asia climbed up, then me, then Carter, then Lamar, then we all pulled Christian up since he was the skinniest. Finally we looked around the game room and we couldn't find any type of weapon so we all hid in this bathroom in the back of the game room. At least it had a lock. I texted Tae'Anna and told her where to go when she went in the vent and to make sure to close the vent so no one would no where we went. While we sat there, Lamar yanked the shower pole down to use as a weapon. I climbed into the tub and tried to open the tiny window. It opened but it was small. Dasia couldn't fit through because her breast and Asia couldn't because her boobs. Everyone looked at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to climb through but my hair was in the way and kept getting caught. Everyone groaned. We all started checking our phones because they began beeping.

"Damn it! I don't have a signal." Carter said.

"Me either." We all said.

"Kiara, stick your hand out the window with your phone and see if it gets a signal." Lamar said.

I nodded and stuck my phone out. I started getting excited as the bars began raising on my phone.

"I got a signal!" I yelled.

Before I could even make a phone call, there was a loud gunshot. We all turned around and there was a whole through the door knob. Dasia screamed and got behind me we all sat in the tub as the boys waited for the person to open the door. Seconds later, the door flew open and whoever began shooting. The boys ducked as bullets started flying. As the the person ran out of bullets and tried to reload, Lamar charged towards him and knocked him down. They both began wrestling for the gun. Right then, the gun went off and everyone stopped. I felt something warm at my feet. I looked down and almost cried. Dasia laid there trying to catch her breath as she held her stomach. The bullet hit her. Christian ran to her side. What the hell just happened?!

*GASP* Dasia got shot?! Damn... Keep a look out for the next chapter to find out what happens next!

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