Am I Pregnant?

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I slowly opened my eyes and heard Julian's light snores. I kissed his forehead and climbed out of bed. He slept like a baby. I took a shower and brushed my teeth then put on one of Julian's big t-shirts. I put the t-shirt to my nose and sniffed it. It smelled just like him. I smiled then climbed back in bed when I looked at Julian, I noticed something on his arm. I lifted his arm up and read it. It was a number. I decided to *67 the number.

"Hello?" A girl voice answered.

I stayed quiet.

"Um if you're going to not say anything then don't bother to call me." The girl was getting ready to hang up but I stopped her.

"No wait! U-Uh this is Julian's sister. I uh saw your number on his arm and called it." I explained.

"Oh! It's ok. I met him when I was walking with some friends. He said he was throwing a house party so I told him to text me the address." She explained.

"Oh ok, well the address is 143 Blank Avenue." I said.

"Ok thanks, I'll be there. Um, what time though?" She asked.

"Um....9:45 maybe?" I replied.

"Ok thanks........" She waited for me to same my name.

"Juliana." I replied.

"Julian and Juliana. Ok got it. See you guys later!" She said before hanging up.

"Yeah you too bitch." I said to myself as I laid back down.

I was about to go back to sleep but was rudely interrupted by this turning feeling in my stomach. I rushed off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I lifted up the toilet and began throwing up.

"No..this can't be happening." I said to myself.

I flushed the toilet, rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth, and used mouthwash. I got dressed and told Julian I would be right back... I had to get a pregnancy test..

Uh oh! Juliana might be pregnant? And the baby's daddy might be JULIAN?! Ew. Comment and vote please! 😁👍

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