Chapter Twenty-Eight: Netherlands vs. Andorra

Start from the beginning

Nemanja gave his wife a smile as he glanced at the brunette, he could see that José Ras's disapproval of her was slowly starting to eat away at Elena; she was being cruel and he hated that she was doing this. 

"If she says one more thing," Roxanne warned making Elena look at her and force a weak smile at her; she knew that Roxanne wanted to help but Elena knew that Roxanne speaking up wouldn't help the situation and would probably make it worse. 

Suddenly the crowd went wild as Robin scored the first goal of the match in the seventeenth minute; the Dutchman blew a kiss up into the stands where he knew Elena and the children were seated. 

Roxanne grinned at her friend as the brunette blushed as her husband celebrated the goal, she still wasn't used to him dedicating goals to her even after three months together. 

"He used to make more of a show for Bouchra when he scored a goal," José Ras sniped snidely making Elena stiffen, she didn't want to think about that and it took away how special Robin's dedication was to her. 

Roxanne glared at José Ras, who smirked as she realised that she had finally found out how to hurt Elena; she had tried everything to get under Elena's skin and now she had. 

"Of course, Bouchra always found ways to reward him afterwards," José Ras continued smugly flashing a smile at Elena, her two daughters glared at their mother wondering what she was doing. 

They didn't understand how their mother could be so cruel, Elena made Robin happy and that was what should matter; she was being horrible and it was clearly upsetting Elena. 

"Bouchra left Robin for another man; she was cheating on her husband, your son. Elena is ten times the woman than, that bitch will ever be," Roxanne snapped at José Ras who stared at the brunette surprised; Nemanja rested a hand on his wife's shoulder to stop her from making a scene.

"Roxy leave it please," Elena begged her looking at her friend who pursed her lips, her brown eyes focused on the older woman who didn't look happy; she just couldn't let José Ras get away with what she had been doing. 

Kiki and Lilly sat quietly as their mother looked at them for support for her abuse of Elena before she turned to her ex-husband who didn't say a word; she wanted Elena gone and she knew that they would all understand when she was proved right about the brunette. 

Outraged that no one was going to stand up for her actions, José Ras picked up her stuff since no one would defend her treatment of Elena; she didn't care what it took but she was going to make sure that Elena didn't get away with this. 

"I stand by what I said... she's nothing but a dirty gold-digger," José Ras snapped before she stormed out of the private box, she slammed the door behind her knowing that she didn't need their help anyway. 

Elena cleared her throat before standing up and putting Dina into her seat, she knew what she was about to do was stupid but she had to try; she didn't want to cause more problems between Robin and his family. 

"I'll be right back watch the children," Elena said turning and quickly followed after José Ras, Roxanne took a deep breath as she glanced at her husband who pecked her lips; he knew that she had been trying to help. 

José Ras needed to understand that Elena was here as long as Robin wanted her to be, he was in love and anyone could see that Elena made him happy. 

Roxanne looked down at the pitch, she had a feeling that José Ras would never let this go and it was only going to get worse as time went on.


"José Ras please wait," Elena called catching up with her mother-in-law, she didn't want things to be awkward between them; she stopped running when José Ras turned to face her and she knew that she couldn't let this go. 

José Ras stared at Elena, she didn't trust her for a moment and she wasn't just going to fall into the same trap that everyone else did when they met Elena; she didn't believe the good girl act that she did. 

"I know you don't like me but for Robin's sake, I beg you to give me a chance," Elena pleaded wanting to make this right, she knew it hurt Robin that they didn't get along and she was really trying to change that. 

José Ras frowned staring at Elena, she knew that she had promised Robin that she would give Elena a chance but she couldn't; she didn't trust Elena and she had heard quite a bit about her that made her doubt her. 

José Ras crossed her arms while Elena shifted her weight as she watched her, she wished that she could just pay her off and make Elena disappear so that Robin would never have to see her again. 

"I'm not after Robin's money, I love your son, I love his children; I would do anything for him," Elena whispered hoping that her words would change José Ras's mind on her, she truly didn't understand why José Ras was so set on hating her and she hoped that she could change her mind. 

José Ras sighed as she watched Elena try to convince her to give her a proper chance, however she couldn't do it; there was something going on here and José Ras knew she had to get to the bottom of it. 

"If you truly love Robin, like you say you do. Divorce him," José Ras stated making Elena stare at her stunned at her words, she hadn't expected her mother-in-law to tell her to leave her son and not in that way. 

José Ras was silent for a moment as she thought about what she wanted to say, she was never going to trust Elena and this was her last chance to come clean about what was really going on.

"There's something fishy going on here and I will find out what it is," José Ras said pointing a finger at Elena and stepped towards the shocked brunette; she wanted to make it clear that she wouldn't stand for this.

Elena swallowed as she stared at José Ras, she hoped that she didn't look guilty and she knew that if José Ras found out what had really happened between her and Robin; it would only make things worse and she didn't want that to happen. 

"So if you really love Robin and you want to protect him; divorce him while you still have the chance," José Ras threated making Elena stare at her, she tried not to show how bad this was upsetting her; she didn't know what José Ras had thought had happened and it worried her a little. 

Elena was completely silent, she didn't say a word in fear that she would spill the truth and she could only stare at José Ras; she was frightened about what she might do now. 

José Ras smirked before she walked away leaving the brunette alone in the corridor; Elena knew that if José Ras learnt the truth about her marriage to Robin then there would be trouble. 

Elena watched José Ras disappear down the corridor, she moved to lean against the wall when she was sure that she was alone and slid down to sit on the floor; she closed her eyes as she let the tears fall. 

José Ras wasn't going to give up and Elena was sort of glad that she could trust everyone who knew the truth to keep quiet; she couldn't imagine how bad things would get if it got out. 

Elena cried for a moment before she started to pull herself together, Roxanne would be worried and she didn't want anyone to come looking for her and find her in this state.

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