Chapter 15

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"Gray Sama!"

We look over to see-

"Oh, hey Juvia."

They begin chatting and I leave them be. I turn and walk into the school.

Be careful. Those girls...they'll surely attack me again. Should I tell Natsu or will that make me a wuss for not standing up for myself...


I enter my first period and quickly head to my seat. The other students walk in. I hold my breath, as if I don't want any sign of me being alive. I exhale once Sensei
came into the room.

The class went by quickly. I head out and into second. I hang onto my pencil tightly as I see the girls who attacked me enter the class chatting. I keep my eyes on my notebook. I felt a vibration and take out my phone.

Levy: Heya Luce!

Me: Hello...

Levy: We're going to a hot spring next week, you wanna come?

Me: Thanks for the invite but I'll pass.

Levy: Really? That's too bad... Would you like to eat lunch with us today? I wanna get to know you better, geehee.

Me: No thanks, I usually eat alone anyways. Thanks tho :)

Levy is typing...

I turn off my screen as soon as I hear the bell ring. Sensei walks in and begins class. Class went by smoothly and it ended quickly. I left my class and headed to 3rd.

~Time Skip~

I grab my lunch and head out the cafeteria.


Maybe I should eat under the bleachers rather than the bathroom stalls...

On that thought, I headed out the school and towards the field. Once I get there I hear yelling. I turn around confused.

I sweatdrop.

Natsu's gang was on the school roof waving at me. I weakly wave back and walk quickly to the bleachers.


I make it to the bleachers and crawl under. I exhale and look at my lunch. I slowly eat as time passes.

I begin humming a bit, I then stop as soon as I realize what song I'm humming. I swallow down my food.



"Heya Luce!"

I jump causing my head to hit the bleachers above me. I cover the top of my head quickly trying to conceal the pain.

"Ah! Sorry Luce!"

Natsu crawls next to me and removes my hands checking on me. He rubs my head and kisses it.


I kindly smile, "Arigato, Natsu."

I held in my shock as I see Natsu's face redden.

"Natsu, you're blushing?"

He covers the bottom half of his face with his hand,  "W-Well it's hot under here."

"Oh. Would you like to sit on top of the bleachers instead?"

He nods and we both crawl out from under the bleachers and suddenly hear-

"Natsu Kuuun~"

We look over at-



"Hey ladies," he responds.

Natsu talked with the girls and I sit on the bleachers staring at my lunch.

I hear him say goodbye and look up hopeful but the girls insist that they stay to eat with us- him.

I stayed a farther distance from the group of girls and Natsu.

After a long lunch, I finally decide to get up and throw away the food I didn't eat. I stand up and try to get passed the group of girls surrounding Natsu.

"Oi, Luce."

I look over at Natsu.

"You ain't gonna eat your lunch?"

I look at my tray and shake my head looking back at him. He sits up and scoots up. The girls make way and Natsu pulls on my tray a bit. He sits me down in front of him and opens his mouth. My eyes glisten over, he always did this when he wants me to feed him.

I look down at my tray and pick up my grapes. I pick one off and place it in his mouth. He smiles at me.

"Thanks Luce."

I smile. But it soon disappeared as the glares of the other girls were stabbing into me. I could feel their hatred.

I slightly lowered my hand with the grape in between my pointer finger and thumb. Natsu closed his mouth and stares at me instead.

"What's wrong?"

I blink and sit up again, "Ah- n-nothing! Sorry."

I put the grape towards his mouth but he doesn't react.


"He's not hungry anymore," says girl 1.

"Yeah, you can move over now," says girl 2.

I look down and nod. I stand up and throw away my tray. I turn around and Natsu grabs me in a hug.


"Let's get outta here," he says.

"Leaving so soon?" all the girls whine.

"Sorry, ladies, my princess needs her dragon," he explains.

My eyes widen, "N-"

"See ya!"

He pulls me into him and we quickly walk away.

"W-Why'd you say that?" I ask embarrassed.

He smiles down at me, "What? It's true isn't it? Didn't my Princess need her Dragon?"

I look away, "Those girls..."

Natsu tilts his head.

"They were the ones...who did that to me..."

He nods and tightens his grip, "I won't let them hurt you anymore... I won't let anyone hurt you anymore."

I nod.


What would you tell me if the person who's hurting me the most...





Is you.

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now