Chapter 2

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Lucy soon cried herself to sleep.

Natsu sat there watching a movie and talking to Lisanna over the phone. Lucy would move at times but not wake up. Sometimes when Natsu looks at her, some tears flow down her face. He sighs trying to figure out the problem. He says 'bye' to Lisanna and searches up 'small cuts in mouth.'

He goes to 'images' and sees the same thing as what Lucy has.

"Is it a sickness or something?"

Natsu feels Lucy move so he turns off his phone to take care of her.


He notices a single tear fall from Lucy's eye.

"Natsu..." she mumbles.

Natsu feels more and more lost wondering what's wrong with his best friend. He wants to help... Natsu removes the tear and kisses her head.

"What's wrong..."

Natsu closes his eyes and wonders when it started. Instead he falls asleep. Lucy was awake. Remembering when it all started...

8th grade Natsu and Lucy were sitting on a bench eating their lunch. They did it everyday until-


Both Lucy and Natsu look at a small (adorable) Lisanna.

"Hi Lis." they both said.

Lisanna looks at Lucy then back at Natsu shyly.

"Uh, Natsu Kun... I-I wanted to give you t-this..."

Lisanna hands a card to Natsu which had a heart sticker that closed it. Lucy looked at the card curiously.

Lisanna shyly said, "Uhm. Lucy San. I-It's kinda private. Sorry."

Lucy embarrassed, backs away from Natsu and let's him read the card to himself. Lucy couldn't help her curiosity and would peek over at times. Lucy noticed Natsu's face slowly turn red. Lucy opens her mouth to say something but Natsu jumps up dropping the card and hugging Lisanna.


Lucy slowly put her hand into her mouth and pulls out two bloody petals. Lucy looked at the petals in fear and quickly threw them behind her.

"W-What was..."

"Lucy! You happy for me?"

Lucy looks up at Natsu who was holding Lisanna's hand.

Lucy blinked, "What?"

Natsu pouts, "I have a girlfriend! Aren't you glad, haha!"

Lucy grips onto her stomach. Natsu's happy face turns into worry.

"Luce? You okay?"

"W-Why does my stomach feel chest hurts!"

Natsu was now kneeling in front of Lucy.

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