Plan C

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"So what brings you to me?"

"We have a well thought out Plan B that we are combining with our Plan A, but we need a Plan C. I couldn't think of a better person to come up with a good Plan C."

He chuckled. "Well, you know me buddy, I always have a Plan C."

"Plan C needs to be just as painful as Plans A and B."

"Who is that?"

"This is Farkle. He's my girl's best guy friend." Lucas explained.

"And his name is Farkle?" The guy blinked and looked at Farkle. "Who would do that to you?"

Farkle just shrugged.

"Anyway, we need a Plan C."

He cleared his throat. "First, I need some info. How painful are Plans A and B exactly?"

"I'm going to beat his face in and kick him repeatly where the sun don't shine." Lucas stated calmly.

"And I am going to then push him off a 20ft roof." Farkle stated.

Zay flinched. "Dang! What did this guy do?! I don't know if I want any part of this insanity!"

Lucas' face went stone cold. "He raped my girlfriend last summer."

Zay gulped and took a deep breath. "So Plan C, kill him."

Farkle shook his head. "Can't. He is my girlfriend's uncle."

Zay made a face. "Ew, perverted old dude. I still say kill him."

Farkle shook his head again. "He is actually young, in college."

Zay shrugged. "I still say kill him. Make it look like an accident."

Farkle and Lucas shared a look.

"We'll call that our Extreme Backup Plan." Farkle stated. "But we still need a good Plan C."

Zay thought for a moment. "Hit him with a car? Set him on fire? Push him in front of a Subway?"

Farkle and Lucas shared another look, this one paired with grins.

"How long would it take him to heal after Plans A and B?" Lucas asked knowing Farkle could calculate it in his head.

"It would depend on how many bones he breaks, but the average bones take six to eight weeks to heal and there are two-hundred and six bones in the human body so roughly five or six months."

Lucas nodded while Zay stared at Farkle like he wasn't human. "So we could wait until he heals then push him in front of the Subway."

Farkle nodded. "I like it. Plan C will be put into action five to six months after Plans A and B."

Zay blinked and shook his head to focus again. "Good, but I get to push this guy in front of the Subway train." Zay said.

"But you don't even know Maya." Farkle stated in confusion.

Zay nodded to Lucas. "She is my best friend's girl. That's all I need to know." He gave Lucas a smile.

Lucas smiled back at him.

"Okay, now we have a Plan C."

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