So Much For Staying

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Lucas opened his eyes and looked down at the blonde girl in his arms. He smiled briefly then frowned when he remembered why they were snuggled under three blankets. He removed his arms carefully so he wouldn't wake her then he made sure all the blankets were securely wrapped around her before he left out her bedroom window.

Twenty-five minutes later Maya woke up in her cold room, alone under her blankets. She frowned. "So much for staying. Thanks Cowboy." She rolled her eyes.

"You're welcome." She looked at her bedroom door and saw Lucas standing with a tray. He walked into the room and placed it on her bed. "I thought you could use some hot soup."

Maya smiled, but it vanished quickly. "I'm not a charity case and this is not a soup kitchen."

Lucas just smirked. "Be glad I didn't pick you up while you were sleeping and carry you to my place like I was gonna do. Now eat your hot soup and you'll feel less cold. Okay, Maya?"

Maya wanted to argue, but the steam from the bowl hit her face and made her feel warm so she grabbed the soup and started slurping it down. "It's good."

Lucas smiled. "Thanks. I know I'm a great cook. I can make soup and hot dogs." He smirked.

Maya chuckled. "So basically all you can do is boil water and put stuff in it?" She smirked back.

He chuckled. "My momma says if it doesn't burn you're a great cook." He grinned proudly. "Why? What can you make?"

Maya gave him a look. "Pork chops, tuna casserole, steak and potatoes, a roast, chicken, and not just in nugget form, and of course spaghetti." She rattled off grinning proudly herself.

Lucas sat down on the end of her bed. "Show off." He muttered.

Maya giggled. It was the first time he heard her giggle and he liked it. He wanted to make her giggle again. He tried to think of what to say that would make her giggle but he couldn't think of anything.

Maya giggled again. "You're so pouty now. Buck up, Bucky McBoing Boing." She smiled.

He turned to her and grinned. "Yes, ma'am." He said tipping his imaginary hat. "Bucky McBoing Boing?" He asked confused.

Maya just chuckled. "I got plenty of them, Huckleberry."

Lucas rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I look forward to hearing them all, ma'am." He tipped his hat.

"You just wait Ranger Rick."

He noticed she emptied the bowl and smiled. "Want some more?"

"You're not having any?"

"I can't spoil my dinner. My Momma would put me in the shed." Lucas explained.

Maya blinked. "Is that Texas slang for you'd be in trouble?"

Lucas nodded. "You catch on fast. I gotta get going, but there is more on your stove if you want it. If I miss 7 o'clock dinner I'll be toast." He chuckled. She smiled.

"Okay, run along, Momma's boy. Giddy up." She chuckled.

He grinned at her, then he got up and walked to the window. "For the record, if I didn't have to get home I woulda stayed all night." He said then he left her room.

Maya sighed and moved the tray off her lap. She got out of bed and took it into the kitchen. She set it on the table and saw the pot steaming on the front burner.

She sighed and turned off the stove then she dumped the rest of the soup down the drain.

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