Begging and Pleading

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"Hey Maya."

"Hey Josh." She smiled. "Why did you lock the door?"

The door was slammed shut behind him after he had walked out onto the roof.

He heard the look clicked and turned to see a dirty blonde boy about his height glaring at him.

"Why lock the door?"

Lucas smirked. "So we can talk alone. Neighbors can be so... nosey sometimes."

Josh gulped, but he tried to hide his fear for the tall unknown boy standing in front of him angrily.

He smirked. "So I could talk to you alone." He chuckled. "You know how nosey my family can be." He laughed sitting next to her on the bed.

"Yeah." She let out a nervous chuckle. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"We don't have to talk. Just tell me how much money you want. I'll pay for it."

"Yeah, you will." Lucas took a step forward and before Josh could move he punched him right in the stomach making the older boy fall to his knees.

He smiled. "Your crush on me." He said scooting closer to her. He took her hand.

"I-I don't have a cr-crush on-"

He kissed her before she could finish her sentence.

"I-I don't know wh-what she told you but she-"

Lucas kicked him before he could even finish his sentence making him fall backwards on he roof.

"She didn't want you to and you know it!" Lucas yelled, kicking his side with his steel toed boots.

Maya turned red. "Okay. M-maybe I kinda do."

"Okay! M-maybe I do!"

Another kick cracked his ribs and he found it hard to breathe or form words.

"I- I am s-or-ry." Josh panted trying to squirm away from the other boy.

"Well maybe I like you too." He chuckled kissing her again. He started to push her down on the bed, but she shoved him back a little.

"I don't want to go that fast."

He scoffed. "You're fifteen now. I thought you were a big girl. I thought you liked me."

Lucas scoffed and kicked him again, even harder.

Josh groaned in pain.

"I thought she wanted it!" He kicked him again. "I thought you were trying to play innocent!" Again. "I thought you were trying to blame her!" Again. "Now you're sorry?! Now it's your fault nots hers?!" Again. "I thought you were a big shot rapist!" Again.

Josh started coughing up blood and gasping for air with every sharp kick.

"I- I am and I do, but we-we don't have to go that fast."

"Maya, I'll be in college soon and then you'll be too young. Our only time is now. I can't wait around for someday." He started to push her back again and this time she let him. "I like you Maya. I want to be with you before I have to go to college and forget you." He started kissing down her neck. "And since no one is home.." He kissed her more. "We are all alone. I thought you stayed behind because you wanted to be alone with me and now we are." He started to unbutton her flannel shirt and she tried to move out from under him.

Lucas growled then he picked up the wounded boy and tossed him halfway across the roof until he heard the crack of Josh's leg braking and the sweet satisfying scream of pain.

He grabbed her arms and held her in place. "Don't."

Lucas marched over and grabbed his arms to pull him up so he was facing him. "I should throw you off this roof and let you fall to your death below."

"Don't. Please." He begged, his eyes wide with fear.

She looked up at him with fear in her eyes. "J-Josh I d-don't want to do this."

He moved to straddle her so she couldn't move. "Well I do. I won't go to college a virgin."

Lucas threw him down on the concrete. "Did you listen when she begged you to stop?!" He got on top of him and straddled him so he couldn't move then he started beating his face in.

"No. J-Josh. St-stop."

Punch after punch. Blow after blow. Until tears formed in his bruised eyes.

"No! I- I didn't! I'm sor-ry!" Josh cried out squirming under him to try to get away. "I'm- so-rry- please."

She started squirming under him, but he just smirked. She didn't mean to, but her hips were grinding and he was getting hard on top of her.

"Yeah. I like that." He started panting. "Squirm under me."

Lucas just smirked. "Why would I stop?" He punched his face again. "You didn't stop when she told you to!"

She stopped moving thinking he would enjoy it less and let her go, but all he did was take one of his hands from her breast down her stomach to the waistband of her jeans.

Josh stopped trying to get away hoping this crazy kid would stop beating the crap out of him and just leave him for dead instead.

Lucas finally got up when Josh was too weak to move.

That's when Farkle came out of the shadows.

Josh could barely open his eyes, but he saw a blurred figure come towards him.

"No. P-please. D-don't."

"No. P-please. D-don't."

"Yeah. I like when you beg. You don't sound tough. You sound like a weak little girl."

"I like when you beg. It makes you sound as weak as you made Maya feel." Farkle stated then he looked at Lucas. "Hold him down. I have an idea."

Lucas shrugged. "I barely left him able to move, but okay." He walked over and put one foot on each hand making Josh whimper.

Farkle knelt down and unzipped Josh's pants.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

Farkle flicked open a Swiss army knife. "You might want to close your eyes."

Lucas grimaced and shut his eyes tightly, he could hear Zay gag from his place in the shadows.

Maya gulped, her lip quivering. He pressed his lips to hers and felt her shaking beneath him as he slowly unbuttoned her jeans and zipped down her pants.

Josh didn't even yell and they figured he blacked out from the pain.

They just picked up his dismembered body and threw it off the roof, staying clear of the street lights so no one saw them.

"That'll teach him." Farkle said taking a rag out of his pocket to wipe the blood off of his pale white hands.

"Yeah. No one hurts Maya and gets away with it." Lucas said then he spit off the roof hoping it would land on Josh's bloody body.

"Speaking of Maya. They'll be home from therapy soon so we better leave."

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