Broken Artist

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'I want to hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you've gone away
You've gone away
You don't feel me here anymore

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I want to hold you high, and steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I want to hold you high and steal-'

"What?!" Maya snapped feeling her earbud being yanked out of her ear.

"The teacher called you three times." Lucas said from his place besdie her.

Maya looked up and saw the teacher frowning.

"What's up teach?" She said with a nod.

"You're not doing the assignment and you should not be listening to music right now." She explained to her.

Maya shrugged. "It helps me paint." She turned and looked at the canvas. "I painted a bowl of fruit like you said we had to."

The teacher sighed. "One in every class. I guess this year it's going to be you, Miss Hart?" She asked.

Maya shrugged. "I don't know what that means."

The teacher smiled. "The true artist, instead of painting exactly how you were told to paint you painted how you feel. Art is all about passion and emotion if you let it be, something most of my students take a year to learn, but there is always one that already knows." She rested her hand on Maya's shoulder. "Good work. I look forward to seeing it the rest of the year." She said then she walked to another teen.

"Well I don't plan on being here all year, but whatever." She muttered to herself while putting her earbuds back in.

Lucas frowned. He looked over at her canvas.

'She painted how she feels? But she painted a bowl on the floor and fruit scattered in the darkness?' He watched as she dipped her brush into the dark purple paint she mixed earlier. Then he watched as she dapped the brush on a few pieces of fruit to make them look bruised in the dim light. 'How does she feel so bad? She has such good friends and she's just so beautiful. Uh oh, she's looking at me. Oops.'

"Stop staring at me."

"I was looking at your painting. It's nice."

Maya shrugged. "Oh... Okay, fine, whatever."

Lucas blew out a breath of relief and returned to his own painting. He took some red and filled in an apple set in the bowl.

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