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We were back in Basil's flat with a newspaper clipping of Basil, Dawson, and me bowing to the Queen over Ratigan's picture and in our normal clothes.

"To he thanked by the Queen herself! Oh, how very thrilling, eh, Basil?" Dawson asked in awe. Basil placed the bell from before on the mantle as a memory of this case. "All in a day's work, Doctor." Basil said. "Oh Dr. Dawson, you were wonderful!" Olivia complemented. Dawson chuckled bashfully. "Indeed." Olivia's father, who I later learned his name was Hiram, said. He toiled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. "Oh my, we're late to catch our train. Come along, Olivia." Hiram said. "Yes father." Olivia said before she hugged me and Basil. "Goodbye Basil, Shyla. I-I'll never forget you." She said while sniffling. It was a bittersweet moment for her. She was saying goodbye to the two people who saved her life. Basil smiled and leaned down, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Nor I you, miss... miss Flangerhanger." Basil said, continuing his gag from the beginning. Olivia smiled and shook her head. I giggled. "Whatever." I said.

Olivia came in front of me and I bent down to her level. Olivia jumped and put her arms around my neck for a hug. I hugged back. "Shyla, your like a big sister to me." I smiled and hugged her tightly. "And your like the little sister I never had." I said. I set her down on the ground, a smile still on my face. She put on her hat and looked at Dawson. "Goodbye, Dr. Dawson." Olivia said. "Goodbye, my dear." Olivia walked to the front door with her father and before she left, she turned again. "Goodbye." She whispered and left with her father.

"Well, um... not a bad little girl, actually." Basil said, getting a little emotional. "Not at all." Dawson said while sighing. "Well, it's time I was on my way too." Dawson said putting on his hat. "But, um... but I thought..." Basil stammered. "Well, the case is over. Mmm... perhaps it's... well, perhaps it's best I found my own living quarters." Dawson explained while putting on his jacket. "But..." A knock on the door interrupted Basil. "Oh, now who could that be?" Basil asked.

While Dawson went to answer the door I walked next to Basil. "Basil? What's wrong?" I asked. "Well... I just thought... maybe..." Basil tried to say. "You want Dawson to stay, don't you?" I asked. Basil looked at me in surprise. "How did you know?" He asked. I smiled. "We did make a great team during this case. It's elementary, my dear Basil." I answered. Basil chuckled and put his hand into mine. "And that's why I love you." He said.

We walked over to Dawson and a lady that was at the door. "Ah, allow me to introduce my trusted associate, Dr. Dawson, with whom I do all of my cases. Isn't that right, Doctor?" Basil said. Dawson was surprised but shook his hand. "Oh, yes. Yes! By all means." Dawson said. Basil then gestured to me. "And this is my beloved, Shyla Storey." Basil introduced. I waved at the lady. "H-hello." I greeted. The sentimental moment lingered for a bit before Basil went straight to business. "As you can see, Shyla, Dawson, this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead district and is troubled about the disappearance of an emerald ring missing from her third finger of her right hand. Now, tell me your story and you must be precise." Basil explained.

From that time on, Basil, Dawson, and I were a close team. And over the years, we had many cases together. But I shall always look back on that first day with the most fondness; my introduction to the love of my entire being Basil of Baker Street... the Great Mouse Detective.

Me: IM DONE! *faints from exhaustion*

Basil walks in and sees me on the floor

Basil: Kim! *checks on me on the floor before standing back up* She'll be fine.

The Great Mouse Detective: Basil x Shyla (My OC)Where stories live. Discover now