The Toy Shop part 1

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After going back to retrieve Dawson and Olivia, Toby was sniffing around to find Fidget's location. He gives a sudden howl and breaks into a run. Basil was in the front, I was behind him, Olivia was behind me, and Dawson was behind her. At least until he fell to the back and was hanging on to Toby's tail for dear life. I was holding on to Basil for dear life too, afraid that I would fall off. "The thrill of the hunt, eh, Dawson? Shyla?" Dawson gives a nervous chuckle. "Q-q-quite!"


"Oh-hoo-hoo. Our peg-legged quarry can't be far now."


After a minute or two of running, Toby came to a halt and howled. Basil jumped off of Toby and landed on a windowsill of a human shop. "Splendid job, Toby!" Basil said. I stood on Toby's muzzle, getting ready to jump. I jumped on the windowsill but lost my footing. I was about to fall off until Basil grabbed me and pulled me to safety. My face was heating up more than before and I grew nervous. Basil's arms were around my waist, my arms were on his chest, and our faces were close together. We were staring at each other's eyes for what felt like minutes. Basil let go of me. "T-thank you." I thanked. "Your welcome, Shyla." I had this weird feeling inside me when he said my name. I avoided eye contact with Basil. Olivia was waiting on Toby's muzzle, having here arms out. I hold my arms out to her. She jumps and I catch her. I set her down and she skips forward while I walk behind her.

I heard Toby growl, but I assumed it was because of Dawson so i didn't look behind me. "Now Toby... sit!" I heard Basil say. Olivia walked toward him. I stayed where I was but still kept an eye on her. I saw Toby standing and Basil marching his way to Toby. "Toby... sit." Basil says more strictly. "Sit, Toby." Olivia said. Toby promptly sits. I hold back a laugh. Basil looks at Olivia. "Good boy. If you'll excuse me." Basil says while walking pass Olivia. I followed him and he started to inspect the ledge and window while humming to himself. I looked at the window and saw a tiny hole in it. "B-Basil." He looked at me and I pointed at the hole. "Ah-ha! Excellent work! Here is our friends entrance." I started to question how Fidget could fit through a tiny hole. Then it clicked. "But, Basil, how could he fit through such a tiny..." Dawson didn't get to finish as I put my finger in the hole and pulled the window back to reveal that Fidget had used the window as a door. "Excellent work, Shyla! You astound me!" I laugh nervously. "T-thank you B-Basil." He motioned us to enter and we all do, one by one, then Dawson closed the door.

We walked through the building. Dawson bumped into something. "Ooh! I beg your pardon, I-" Dawson stops when he realized he bumped into a huge doll. Dawson, Olivia, and I look around the human shop. It was a toy store. "Oh my... upon my word I've never seen so many toys." Basil pops out from behind the dolls legs. "Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin! So please, Shyla, Doctor... be very careful." Basil warned. Then, he moves between the toys and shadows stealthily. I followed after him with Dawson and Olivia close behind.

We climbed up a ladder to a higher shelf. Looking around, the more we delve deeper into the store, the more creepy the toys get. I stayed close to Basil. We were quietly creeping down the shelf when a sudden crashing noise was heard behind us. I froze from the sudden noise and before I could react even more, Basil held me. It looked like he was holding me in a protective way. We looked behind us to see that Olivia has turned on a toy music box and was watching the noisy toy band. "Oh! What the... Ooh!" Basil stammers before letting me go and leaping for the control lever, turning it off. Basil turns to Olivia. "Please! Quiet!" Basil looks at Dawson. "Don't let this girl out of your sight." Dawson at attention and salutes while Basil walks away. I questioned why he was saluting but then remembered his military background. "Come with me, Shyla." Basil quietly called out to me. "O-ok." I follow after Basil, knowing that Olivia was safe with Dawson.

We walked over a chessboard when Basil stops and looks at a rook. "Hmm." He hummed in thought. He then pushed the rook over by one space. "Checkmate." He whispers. I stared at him impressed. I can't help but be impressed with everything he does. "Ah-ha!" He turns to me, Dawson, and Olivia and points with his magnifying glass at some footprints on the ground. "Evidence of our peg-legged adversary." He follows the footprints while humming to himself until he stops in front of... naked toy soldiers? "Hmm... how very odd." Basil says, regarding to the toy soldiers. "What is it, Basil?" Dawson asked. "Isn't it painfully obvious, Doctor? These dolls have been stripped of their uniforms. And not by any child, either." Me and Basil glance at each other as we examine the footprints. I look over my shoulder and notice more strange evidence. "B-Basil. S-someone has taken the l-liberty of removing the c-clockwork mechanisms from these t-toys." He gets up and goes over to the mechanical toys. I noticed Dawson picking up something from the floor. I come over and look over his shoulders. It was a list! "Basil..." Dawson calls. "Please, I'm trying to concentrate."

"B-but Basil, h-he-" I tried, but stopped.

Music boxes were playing all around us. First one turned one, then another, then another. Soon enough, all of the toys came to life. I was really confused and scared at the same time. Who did this!? We all then heard a scream and I knew who it was.


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