"Not again."

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I awoke to the screaming of my mother. I bolted upright in bed. Grabbing my dagger, I ran out of my bedroom and to the source of the screaming. I found my mother in Sam's room. She was covering her mouth with her hands as she numbly stared at Sam's empty bed.

"Mom, what's wrong? Where's Sam?" I asked frightened.

"He's gone." she whispered, never taking her eyes off his bed.

I began searching all throughout the cottage. There was no sign of Sam or any clues to where he could have disappeared to. I hastily threw some clothes on. Shoving my feet into my boots and snapping on my belt with my dagger on it. I sprinted outside into the forest. I screamed his name until my throat was hoarse. He wasn't here. I trudged back to the cottage. My mother was still staring at Sam's bed like he would suddenly materialize in the sheets. I took my mothers shoulders and stared into her moist blue eyes.

"Mom, listen to me. We need to go to the village. Maybe they will help us." I coaxed.

She wouldn't meet my eyes. She wouldn't take her eyes off Sam's bed. Then she started muttering things that truly scared me.

"Not again. Not again. Not again." she whispered over and over.

Again? What does she mean again?

I dragged her from the bedroom and out of the cottage. I briskly walked towards the village with my mother in tow. When we finally reached the small town of Hamelin, everyone was gathered in the town square. I tugged my mother to the crowd of villagers. A man was standing on a raised platform and was trying to calm the panicked crowd.

"Everyone, we will begin organizing search parties immediately!" the man was saying.

I stepped forward. "What's going on here!" I demanded

"Many of our children went missing last night. Lured from their beds by some kind of music played on a pipe. Only the children could hear it. They tried telling their parents, but no one else could hear it. They were sent back to bed, and this morning they were gone." the man said. Many people were sobbing, including my mother. I became enraged. What kind of demented person kidnaps defenseless children? And for what sick purpose? I dragged my mother back to the cottage, who was muttering things like: "He can't have him." and "What could he be after?" I was determined to save my little brother. I was not going to just sit back and let my brother be taken just like my father. I was getting my brother back, tonight.

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