Chapter 6 -- Sarina's POV

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Oh my God. Louis was gonna ask me out. No! Yuck. He couldn't ask me out! But...if he did I should say yes because I don't wanna make him feel bad, right? I mean, I don't want to hurt Lucey's brother, but I don't want to go out with him!

I raced upstairs only to be met by Niall on the stairs. Dear God, was everybody in this house awake?

"Hey. Why are you up at this hour?" He asked in a husky tone.

I blurted out my answer, "I had to pee." Well, it was true...I just happened to run into a certain situation on my way to get a snack after I completed my mission.

Niall chuckled, "Ah, I see."

"And you?" I felt obligated to ask. I could honestly care less, I really just wanted to get into my bed and pretend I never heard what I just did.

"Just getting a glass of water."

"Okay. Well, goodnight!" I whispered before dashing off.

I cuddled up under my covers, shut my eyes as tight as possible, and dozed off to sleep. Maybe this was just a nightmare.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Eff off alarm clock!" I yelled at the inanimate object, smacking the snooze button forcefully. I was actually crazy, wasn't I? I opened one eye and checked the time, 12:30. Awesome. I completely wasted my day. Don't get me wrong, sleep is one of my favorite things in this world, except waking up after ten makes me feel like I've missed out on so much.

I hopped out of bed and began to get ready. I didn't even realize the massive headache I had until I stood up. I tried to push it aside so I put in my contacts and made myself look presentable before going downstairs. All I hoped for was that Louis wasn't by himself downstairs. Because I'm awkward enough as it is, so if he was down there and I knows something he doesn't know that I know....well yeah. It would be bad. If there were other people then he wouldn't ask me out. I decided that I would try to avoid being alone with him at any cost, and as hard as that was going to be, it had to happen.

I walked into the kitchen and everybody was lounging on the couch. Even Lucey. Wow, I must've really slept in.

"Look who decided to get up!" Liam announced.

"Sleeping beauty!" Zayn added.

"Oh my God, shut up. I have a headache. Asprin, please? Is there any here?" I managed to force out.

"Yeah, love, there's some in that cabinet. I'll get you it. There's some pancakes and juice over there." Louis told me as he got up to get the medicine. I was about to tell him to stop but there were two reasons I didn't: I was way too lazy to get it myself and I didn't want to seem rude. I mean, true, I wanted to avoid him, but being mean wouldn't exactly help. After all, he was letting me stay with them.

Louis handed me the pills and I gulped them down with orange juice. "Thanks."

"No problem." He said before returning to his spot on the couch.

This was actually extremely awkward. I was just kinda standing there getting pancakes while everybody else watched me.

I hastily ate my pancakes, wanting to get out of this situation. Plus, I really needed to talk to Lucey about what I should do about Louis. I didn't think my plan was exactly the best idea; Lucey would probably come up with something better.

"Luce, follow me!" I ordered and gestured for her to come.

"Don't call me that." She whined as she got up. I led her into my room and shut the door behind me.

"I kinda need to talk to you about something."

"Oh boy. What's going on?"

"I and, um, Louis, er, uh, talking last night. I, um, yeah. You get the point."

Her eyes widened and yelled, "I thought I saw something!"

I clamped my hand over her mouth, "Shut up! I don't want anyone to hear! And I need advice now!"

"Okay, but you know you have to say yes, right?" Lucey said it as if it was the most obvious fact in the world.

"Um, I didn't know that, actually. And I don't know if I even like him like that! I just kinda always saw him as a brother. Not as a boyfriend." I shuttered at the thought.

"I wanna say that you have a choice, but I can't. You have to say yes. You don't know Louis like I do; when he even likes a girl just a little bit, he gets really serious. That didn't even make sense...did it?"

"Not at all."

She nodded, "What I mean is that he's sensitive. You may just see it as just politely turning him down, but he'll see it as though you have something against him. And then he'll be trying to find out what that thing is and he is just like that! Please say yes. Just one date? You might actually like him! He's nice and sweet!"

"I know he is, I just...I kinda like Niall."

"OH EM GEE YOU DO?" She perked up.

I blushed and added a chuckle, "Uh, yeah, kinda. Not a lot! I only just met him. And I can't believe you just said OMG. That is just, such a no."

"So basically, you don't want to say yes to Louis for a date just because you don't want Niall to think you aren't interested," she says in complete disregard to my other comment. You can't be talking about more than one thing at once with Lucey. I guarantee this whole 'don't say OMG out loud' thing will come back to her later. Her longest record has been three days before something came back to her. 


"Well, it's really up to you. I know that Louis's an incredible boyfriend but I don't really know Niall all that well. They're both nice guys, but it's really your decision." She got up and left my room without another word.

Great. She was a big help, wasn't she?

I groaned as I laid down on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, analyzing all of the facts. I mean, a date with Louis couldn't hurt. I could actually start to have feelings for him. But then again, Niall would automatically think I didn't like him. And I did. But-

"Hey." Shut up, Lou, you're interrupting my inner thoughts. Wait, Louis? No. No. No, no, no! Not right now! I haven't even decided what I was gonna do about the situation yet!

"Um...hi. Uh," I sat up, "hi." Repetitive. Nice.

He chuckled, "What's up?"

"Not much." I kept my answer to the bare minimum.

"So, um, I kinda wanted to ask you something."

Try to change the topic. Try to change the topic.

"Let me ask you something first! Do you prefer corn over peas? Or do you like peas better? Personally, I actually like peas mixed with corn. That's what I usually do when I'm going to eat one of them. It's actually quite a good combo. Try it sometime. Unless you don't like one of them. Which I guess brings me back to my main question: corn or peas?" I rambled on. I always did talk about stupid things when rambling.

"I guess both?" He gave me an extremely confused look. He started fidgeting with his hands. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?"

And I attempted to get myself out of this, "You mean go out and get groceries or something? Sure! Let's get groceries. We can make dinner tonight! How does corn and peas sound?! With a little salt and butter, it's pure heaven." So I may have sounded extremely clueless and dumb, but whatever.

"Uh, no. I mean, like, out on an, er, uh, date?" He stumbled.

I paused, analyzing my thoughts. "Sure? Er, I mean, sure."

Oh boy. I was gonna go on a date with my best friend's brother. What did I get myself into?

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