No sleep Monday

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Keith held his throbbing forehead with a clenched fist. Blood ran down the side of his face and he would've tasted it if he hadn't wiped it off with his shirt.

His vision was a little foggy and the dirt flying around the now motionless car didn't help. However, when it cleared, he let out a breath of relief seeing that the vehicle wasn't harmed.

He'd panicked once that deer appeared out of nowhere, but then the other boy had weakly attempted to turn the steering wheel. Keith had caught on quickly and turned it in full force.

Now, his hands shook at the memory, he briefly set them down on the wheel but that only smudged it with the red liquid.

His breathing was becoming uneven and he figured he would need physical help in a little bit, if one of his panic attacks paid him a visit.

" Lance," he called out, his voice cracking.


He was becoming aware of his surroundings. Turning his gaze to the right, his breath hitched.

" LANCE ! "

He almost jumped out of his seat reaching for the boy's head that rested on the window.

No bleeding.

He tried shaking him to consciousness, but to no avail. He placed his hand on the boy's beating heart and that sound alone gave him all the courage he needed.

The car door made a loud thumping sound as it fell closed behind him. The car had stopped in a tilted position.
He limped to the other side of the car, pulling the passenger door open.

Catching a falling Lance, he very gently carried him out of the vehicle and held him bridal style.

" AGH." He almost dropped him to grip his throbbing thigh, but he fought against it.

Pushing himself off his knee, he stood up again and made a beeline for the McClain 's property.

They were in the process of moving their things into the car.

" KEITH! What happened?!"

Mrs. McClain was the first to spot him. She ran down the stairs and reached her son in seconds. Keith, by that time, couldn't hold him up any longer so he put him down smoothly so his mother can check him.

" I- he was trying to teach me how to drive and then a deer came out of nowhere and I turned and he just- I think he bumped his head on the window."

" You think?"

Layla let out a scream as soon as she emerged from the entrance door. Lucas following her, he dropped the bag and followed his mother down the stairs.

" Dad!" Layla called frantically.

" DAD! Come down! Lance is hurt!"

Leroy came back from assumedly a walk in the woods, and his eyes went out of their sockets as he saw his younger brother on the ground.

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