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Lance felt weird walking to school today.
He had been thinking about yesterday's detention more than he would have liked to. Once Mr. Coran announced the hour was over, the abruptness in Keith's retreaving of his hand almost startled him.

But who could blame him?

It was intense. Their hearts were beating fast, their throats closed, nearly suffocating them. Their hands had been sweaty and warm against each other, Keith's hand occasionally shaking against his. He wasn't sure why but he admitted the situation was nerve-wrecking.

The principle was right to choose this as a sort of punishment, he thought as he was met with his best friends near the lockers.

" Morning, weirdos!" He greeted, receiving similar names.

" Was it really as bad as you described it on the phone?" Hunk asked, loading some books into his yellow backpack.

Lance whined.
" Worse. I can't believe Allura. She's so beautiful yet so... So evil. Her father would have let us off."

" Careful, Lance. Last time the principle heard you call her by her first name, it wasn't pretty." Pidge said, adjusting her glasses and fixing her short hair.

" Careful shmareful, she likes me." He smiled to himself, secretly checking the busy hallway to see if she was around.

His gaze fell on a leather gloved hand slamming a locker door closed. It was the kind of glove that left the tip of the fingers and the knuckles exposed.

And the owner of those biker gloves was none other than Keith Kogane.

" He's wearing gloves so he doesn't have to touch your hand anymore! " Pidge laughed.

" That's so emo, but maybe it'll be better this way." He said lowly, observing the boy in the red crop top jacket throwing glares at students, even at his teammates who had long learned to never talk to him except at practice. He walked past the famous trio and headed to class.

Until one guy blocked his way.

Keith's face showed no emotion as he trailed his eyes along his body. A girl clung to his side with her smirk lighting the hallway with mischief.

Lance eyed her intently, like he has done many many times before

" I'm gone for one week and you make new friends? Holding hands and hanging in the bathroom." Roland chuckled, a few others joining him discreetly.

Keith rolled his eyes at the bitter guy. He'd tried out for the basketball team and didn't get accepted, ever since taking any chance to ridicule them.

" Shut up." He dodged him and his partner and kept walking.

Lance neared the pair once Keith had left. Roland raised his eyebrows like he was going to enjoy whatever came out of the boy in the blue hoodie.

" Listen Roll-on, if you're gonna make any jokes about the punishment neither of us chose," Lance paused, looking for words, " I'll uh, tell the principle, and Shiro! And I'll beat the quiznack outta you!"

The brown haired boy then cracked a smile toward Natalie, the girl on the skinny dude's side.

" Hey beautiful. The name's Lance." He wiggled his eyebrows.

" I know who you are, Lance McClain" she said, unimpressed, " a cocky know-it-all is all you are."

Noticing Lance's usual company coming closer, Roland grabbed the blonde's hand.
" Let's go, Nat." He said pulling her away.

" You good, Lance?" Hunk asked, standing next to him now.

" She's a fake bit-" Pidge was silenced by Hunk's hand on her mouth. She groaned and pushed it away, complaining about having licked it.

" Nah, she likes me." Lance assured himself, groggily following his best friends with a weak smile on his face, looking down at his worn out converse.

Author's note

Baby Lanceee. I love my cheese ball. There you are, Rolo and Nyma are officially in this story, with different names ... And uh they're human here obviously.
Excited to show you what's gonna happen next!

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