The Next Monday

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Lance grew quieter every day Keith didn't show up to class. He'd talk less and get into his own head a little more.

If everyone had the right to a healthy amount of overthinking daily, he'd abused that right.
There was no peaceful moment in his head. It was the very first time he'd ever expressed his sexuality so openly.

At first, he was proud of what happened because Keith seemed to like it.
Then he remembered that the other boy stressed the fact that he weren't gay when they were texting.

He felt that he forced himself on his classmate. It was a feeling he couldn't get rid of, drilling at the back of his head when Keith's name is called in class for attendance, when the teachers ask where he is, when Shiro nervously explains to the team that their captain is taking a break from school.

Man, I take back the moment, I take it back!God, please erase it from his memory.

There were times he was the brightest student in class, with no competition who would try to outsmart him. Then he'd remember the series of sinful events, and enter his solitary bubble once more.

On Friday, Lance called Keith 25 times. It was a new record compared to earlier days. And Keith had ignored him 25 times.

On Saturday, Lance drove to his house. He'd knocked on the door for about ten minutes before Shiro opened.

" Uh.. sorry buddy. Keith is not, not here right now." The bulky guy said unconvincingly.

Lance didn't have any will to fight Shiro nor argue with him. He nodded painfully and turned around as the door closed, hearing a
" What? I'm not a good liar like yourself."

Sunday was the McClain family day. They'd pick locations from all around the country and road trip to one each week. The six of them crammed in the car joyfully, sang childhood songs and played games.

" You should bring your new friend someday. He can sit on my lap." Layla smirked saying the last part a little lower. Her light eyes pierced her brother's with mischief and glee.

" Oh, honey! You brought Hunk and Pidge endless times with you on family Sundays. You can bring that Keith boy next week if you want." His mother said sweetly.

" Yeah, next week's a good one. We're renting a place in a resort in the middle of a forest. There's restaurants, there's canoeing and there's an underground pool!" His older brother Leroy cheered.

" Heated pools and Jacuzzis." The oldest, Lucas, smirked.

" Go on and invite him, son. He seemed like a nice young man. The more good friends you have, the merrier."

Lance knew he was blessed with a loving and fun family, and boy was he thankful for it.

" I'll ask him, can't promise anything." Lance said and turned to look out his window for the rest of the ride.

Just like that, Monday came.

Lance was laughing with Hunk and Pidge, so much you could think they took some hallucinating drug.

" HE TOLD HER WHAT!?" Lance shouted, amused.

" He said I lick you! And she stared at him for ever and he wouldn't notice his mistake. When she told him You mean I like you, right?
He said You like me?? She's like What no!" Pidge told them about the conversation she'd overheard between Roland and a junior girl.

" Oh my God, I thought I was bad with girls." Hunk shook his head.

" That's not what your girlfriend would say, buddy." Lance offered a smirk, leaning on his taller friend.

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