Chapter 6 - Reconciliation and mysterious clues...

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Almar had been in the bathroom for hours and the others began to feel worried about him. Eira tried to sneak out to the bathroom on several occasions but Sylvina stopped her by holding down her sisters tail. 

  "Let go of my tail!" Eira yelled angrily. 

  "Human wants to be alone!" Sylvina said stubbornly. 

  "Human needs me! Now let go!" Eira yelled and yanked herself free from Sylvina's tight grip. 

Eira ran towards the bathroom but unfortunately hit her head on the door when she tried to slow down her speed from the running. Eira glared at the thing hindering her from seeing Almar and spat some flakes on it. 

  "Human open this thing, there is some kind of strange forcefield!" Eira yelled at the door. 

  "I told you to leave human alone!" Sylvina yelled while running up towards Eira and the door. 

She tried to drag Eira away from it but without success. Eira jumped Sylvina and they began to roll around on the floor, making a huge ruckus. 

Suddenly, Almar opened the door, not looking very happy. 

  "How many times must I tell you not to fight?" he said with slight annoyance in his voice. He looked very tired, with deep dark bags under his eyes.

  "Human, you finally opened that thing!" Eira shouted happily and let go off Sylvina. 

Then, Eir, who had been downstairs, walked into the scene and Almar's eyes met with her's. 

  "Almar... I'm so sorry about-" Eir started but before she could finish, Almar slammed the door shut. 

  "You're acting like a child! Grow up and come out of there!" Eir yelled from the outside of the door. 

When there was no answer, she sighed deeply and walked up, closer to the door. Eir put her forehead up against it and closed her eyes. 

  "Look... if you really want to keep your dragons safe, if you really care for them, you have to come out of there. You're making them sick with worry," Eir spoke with whispering, king words of advice and put the palm of her hand on the door.

All of a sudden, the three overheard Almar scream out loud and noises where coming out of the bathroom. It sounded like he was hiding from something inside. 

Then, the three outside finally understood what had frightened their friends so much. The loud banging of the lighting and thunder made everyone jump from their places. 

  "Thunder?! Where is it? Let me in!" Eira yelled, looking around in panic and started scratching at the door. 

  "Let us in before the thunder comes!" Sylvina yelled and hit the door HARD with her tail.

Favian and Tallis just had about enough of the ruckus coming from upstairs. The sounds of the constant arguing between Eir and Almar were ringing throughout the whole house and the newly added thunder didn't help the whole situation. So, the two elfs decided to go up to see what all the commotion was for. 

  "What in the world is going on over here?" Favian asked with an annoyed voice. 

  "He won't come out no matter what!" Eir said and pointed at the door. 

  "You two are acting like little kids. Eir, if he wants to be alone then let him. He will come out when he is ready," Favian said and laid a warm hand on his daughters shoulder. 

At first, the gesture was calming but then, Eir remembered that the two were still fighting so she quickly shook him off. 

  "He can't stay in there forever!" Eir yelled at her father. Favian furrowed his eyebrows and smiled while showing a pained expression.

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