Chapter 1 - Little dragons like the taste of fish

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The floor of the cave was both sharp and cold but Almar didn't care all that much. The most important thing was that his dragons were happy. He watched the two of them as they were enjoying themselves. Eira, who laid her small, icy blue head on his lap and Sylvina, who used her claws to climb up on his left shoulder. When Almar stroked her green little head, she let out a noise, almost like a cat does when it's pleased. Suddenly Almar felt a nibble on his knee. He glanced down to see that it was Eira, seeking attention. 

  "Pet me too, human!" she said with a demanding voice, staring at him intently with her sharp, icy eyes. 

  "No need to be jealous," he laughed, sounding humored over the little dragon. 

  "I want human's attention too!" Sylvina yelled and, looking up at Almar, showed him her big emerald eyes. Clearly trying to seem as sad as possible in order to get his attention, Almar laughed even more at how obvious she was. 

  "Haha! There really is no need to fight. I have two hands, one for each," Almar replied, continuosly laughing, as he stroked their scaly heads with a giant smile on his face. 

  "No pet only me, human!" Eira said angrily and bit his finger. 

  "That's not fair!" Sylvina cried and glared at Eira.

  "I love you Eira, and you too Sylvina," Almar spoke with great warmth as he smiled at the two dragons with his dark grey eyes. 

  "Stop, human! Pet only me or I will bite you!" Eira shouted. 

Seeing her threat didn't work very effectively, she started pulling on strands of Almar's long, black hair. 

"Ow! Eira, stop that, it hurts you know?" Almar said as he tried to break free from her sharp little fangs. 

Just then Eira, spotted his one silvery streak of hair, dangling freely in the air. Taking her aim, she was just about to jump up and grab it but all of a sudden, a big yawn escaped from her mouth. 

  "Is someone a little tired?" Almar asked with a teasing little smile, raising one eyebrow. 

  "No! I still want to play!" Eira said stubbornly, lowering her head into his lap. 

  "She is tired," Sylvina remarked, jumping down from Almar's shoulder. 

  "No, I'm not!" Eira yelled and jump sideways, tackling her sister. 

They rolled around on the ground, biting at each other. Eira tried to attack by blasting ice into Sylvina's face. Taking a deep breath, her chest expanding greatly, the dragon blew out with all of her might. What came out instead was hundreds upon hundreds of tiny, glittery snowflakes, whisping through the air like a small snowstorm until they finally melted when touched by the ground. However, some of the tiny flakes went into Sylvina nostrils as she watched the spectacle with great fascination. As they did, the green little dragon sneezed hard, in return blowing leaves into Eira's face. 

  "I'm hit! Human, help me!" she screamed in terror before falling to the ground. 

Almar stared in disbelief, seriously doubting she could have been hurt by some greens. After a while, the dragon stopped playing hurt and, sinking into boredom, immediately started snoring soundly. 

  "But you started it!" Sylvina said in defence and laid down on the ground next to the sleeping Eira, yawning as well. 

  "I have to go now," Almar said as he stood up. 

With that, Eira woke up from her nap. Looking at Almar with sad, blue eyes, she ran up to his feet in a great hurry. Putting her clawed front paws on his legs, she just continued staring intensely at him. 

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