Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


As I went to take a customer's order, I bumped into someone's plate, causing their filet mignon to plummet to the floor. The plate had been delicately placed at the end of the table just waiting for disaster, such as myself, to knock it to the floor.

"I'm so sorry, sir," I said apologetically to him. "I'll get you a new one in just a sec-" The man raised his hand at me.

"A new one? The Marquis Nix specially made that steak for me! If your boss had any sense, he'd fire you this instant!" He pounded the table to emphasize his anger and continued to let out a string of curses about how clumsy I was for dropping his food.

Even though I had been used to the occasional rude customer, my cheeks still reddened in embarrassment.

I couldn't retaliate, I couldn't lose this job. I mumbled out hushed apologies before hearing a voice behind me,

"What seems to be the problem here?"

Marq placed his hand on my back, looking back and forth between the man and I. His eyebrows scrunched together and a frown replaced his neutral expression, irritated that someone was causing a ruckus.

The ignorant crude whipped his head around to face Marq, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Marquis Nix! It is so great to meet you!" The man practically cried out. "Oh, I'm afraid this fool knocked down your heavenly dinner that you made for me!" He sputtered, emphasizing on the word fool.

He glared down hard at me before continuing to shout out curses judging my behavior.

Marq quickly silenced him and clenched his jaw.

Not only had the man caused too much noise, but he also had the audacity to insult one of his employees. "This fool happens to be my girlfriend. Do you have anything else to say about her before I kick you the hell out of my restaurant?"

The man's eyes bulged out of his head. His mouth opened and closed, trying to find the right words to form an apology. Beads of sweat began to form around his nearly bald head.

A giggle almost left my lips. We weren't dating, but I knew exactly what he was doing.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-"

"Get the hell out of here."

"Wait-" he begged.

Marq practically growled at the man.

I shot a quizzical look at Marq. The sound that came out of his mouth sounded so inhumane.

After looking back at the trembling man, the thought vanished from my mind. There he stood, about to wet his pants in fear and embarrassment. If it weren't for the incident just a few moments ago, I would've felt bad for him.

A grin tugged at my lips.

Practically in tears, the man left.

I clutched my stomach bursting into laughter. "Did you see his face when you came over here?"

Marq rolled his eyes. "Managed to piss off three customers in one day? I think that's a new record," he said, trying to scold me with a glare. He failed miserably, when the hint of a grin started to make it's way across his face.

"He was mad that his dinner, made by the Marquis Nix, was ruined by me," I teased. "If you weren't such a good cook, it would've been two pissed off people."

Marq tilted his head back and laughed whole heartedly. I smiled, giggling along with him. Marq became close to me soon after he hired me.

Believe me, he was a cooking God. His food was something to praise. Even though he worked overtime and spent way too much time at cook-offs, he still managed to spend time with me.

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