Chapter 15 - Anger

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Chapter 15 - Anger

“Why he being a jackass?” I turned to were Jay was sat next to me, he was watching were Angie was bouncing up and down with happiness next to Matt who looked like he wished more than anything for her to leave. “He’s just like that” I said shrugging, I didn’t know really I thought Markers were meant to be in love straight away but I guess Matt was just hard to crack.

“So am I allowed to ask you to hang out sometime?” he said and his hand came to lay on the top of mine. “Cool where are we going?” the anger in Scar’s voice over shadowed his fake enthusiasm. He leaned against the side behind me wrapping his arms round my waist. Jay glared at him and withdrew his hand. “You not invited” said Jay still glaring at my boyfriend over my shoulder. “Yeah well I don’t appreciate you inviting my boyfriend out on a date” he said grabbing the tool he must have come over to collect, he then sent a look at my face before turning back to Angie’s car.

I got down from the side before Jay could ask again and walked up behind were my boyfriend was stood with Matt and Vic at the front of the car. Blaine and Vic were both crouching a driver’s side door. “Hey” I said pulling on Scar’s muscular beck. He turned to look at me with yellow now the main colour in his eyes. I stared into his face for a moment before taking his hand and pulling on it. He followed me without complaint. I brought him into the small brake room where there was a sofa I pulled him over so he sat on the sofa and I stood in front of him.

“What’s up?” I said sitting on the table in front of him so I knees were touching and are faces were level. “He likes you” he said running his fingers over my jeans at my knee. “Yeah but I like you” I said moving forward until my forehead rested on his, he didn’t look at me stayed focused on his fingers playing with my knees. “I am very jealous guy, Max. and I want to so much walk in there and punch his face in for even looking at you” I moved my face backwards at this “Why don’t you” I said continuing to watch his face for his reaction.

His head snapped up “Are you serious?” he asked now he was looking for me I once again moved closer this time so my lips hovered over mine. “Do you think Mich is gonna allow me to have a boyfriend that doesn’t fight for?” I said my lips brushing his with every word. He chuckled the sound filling the air around us; he then closed his mouth over mine.

Scar opened my mouth with his skilled tongue bring me to straddle his lap at the same time. It didn’t take long for a small kiss to become heated. I ended up on my back pressed against the sofa, with Scar’s body lying on top of mine. I pulled up the end of his top so I could press my lips to the muscular planes on his chest. He growled before tugging it right off and throwing it across the room, he did the same to my top then attached his lips to my neck easily creating a love bite.

“God I love you” he moaned as I let my hands travelled to his excitement trapped inside his jeans. I chuckled against his lips as I ran my forefinger just below the waist band of his jeans. He moved his mouth down licking and kissing a trail down my body until he reached my waist band, he groaned at the barrier before quickly undoing the button and zip, of my jeans. He didn’t take them off but kissed every inch of skin he had just uncovered.

I ran my hands up into his hair yanking his lips back to mine when the door bagged open, I was too lost in my lust to care so didn’t break from the kiss dragging my finger nails down Scar’s back as he rubbed our erection together through the lays of clothing which we had not yet removed. “No I don’t want that in my head” shouted Matt trying to get through to us, Scar pulled away with what seemed great difficulty. He looked up at his oldest brother with ‘I am going to kill you look’ Matt smirked “Do it some other please. Or bloke you fucking minds” I burst into laughter making both brothers look down at me. I did my jeans up quickly sitting up so I could press my lips to Scar’s I then stood up. “I wouldn’t tell Mich about this tonight” I said picking up mine and Scar’s shirts throwing him at him and tucking mine in the back on my jeans I winked at Scar then left the room.

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