At The Beginning

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Author's Note: HERE IT IS! The final chapter! Don't forget to stay tuned for my next story - Desert Rose - which will be up tomorrow. A million thanks to all of of my readers, commenters, and followers. You guys are the BEST. ♡

*briefly inspired by 'At The Beginning' by Donna Lewis & Richard Marx*

Once they were in the elevator, Finn reached into his jacket and pulled out Ben's saber.

"Where did you get this?" Ben asked Finn, quickly taking it from him.

"It was in the hub of the lock up. Can't tell if Phasma did that on purpose or if one of the troopers was stupid enough to leave it there."

"Probably the latter." Ben muttered, clipping the saber to his belt.

"What do we do when we get up top?" Rey asked Finn.

"Poe's got the fleet on standby. The base has already been evacuated."

"Thank goodness." Rey said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"We just need to get off this blasted ship and away from the First Order." Finn said. Rey turned to Ben.

"Hux has the Knights with him. What can we do about them?"

"Leave the Knights to me. You and Finn make it to the Falcon. Be careful, the hanger is going to be swarming with troopers." Ben told her.

Rey nodded.

"I don't have a weapon." She said.

"I'll take care of that." Finn said as the elevator slowed. He looked at Rey.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." Rey said.

The doors to the elevator chimed open and there was a brief window of obliviousness where Rey and Finn darted to the right and Ben to the left.

"Follow my lead." Finn whispered to Rey. A duo of troopers passed by them as they hid behind the anchor of a TIE fighter.

Finn tackled one of the troopers from behind and while the second trooper was caught off guard, Rey used the Force to trip the other one. They quickly dragged them behind the anchor and Finn knocked them upside their helmeted heads with the back end of one of their blasters. Finn handed the other blaster to Rey.

"Can you see the Falcon from here?" Finn asked Rey as they peeked behind the anchor.

"It's on the far side of the hanger." Rey whispered. In between their position and the Falcon were five armored transport shuttles in the final stages of being deiced with the glycol mixture.

"We can't get past without being seen. It's impossible!" Finn whispered. Rey peeked over the anchor one more time, her eyes flicking up to the command center overlooking the hanger.

"Finn.... I think that's the point." She whispered to him.

"What?!?" Finn hissed. Rey stalked in a crouching position to the anchor opposite from Finn. She looked both ways before darting into the open hanger.

"Hey! You there! Stop!" Shouted a trooper.

"Dammit!" Finn said, running out after her. Blaster shots started firing at them left and right.


"What is taking so long? Why weren't the shuttles properly deiced before now?" Hux whined as he peered out the command center window at the hanger below.

"Supreme Leader, you didn't command the deicing to begin until after your meeting with the Knights." Phasma said to Hux as she stood slightly behind him.

The General's Bet - A Reylo Fan Fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें