The Connection

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Author's Note: This part was shorter than I would have liked, so I decided to upload two new chapters back to back. Don't forget to read the next one! And I can't forget to thank my amazing readers, voters, and commenters. Thank you so much!!! ♡

*artwork used does not belong to me*

Rey stepped out of the Falcon, holding her arms to her chest. She stared at Ben's retreating figure, frowning.

Finn rushed up to her.

"Are you okay?" He quickly asked.

'Why does everyone keep asking me that?' She thought.

"I'm fine." She told Finn. Poe and Rose came up to join Finn.

"What was he doing here?"

"What did he want?"

"What did he say?"

Her friends bombarded her with question after question.

"He said he was checking up on us." Rey said, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's it?" Finn asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes. To make sure we aren't planning anything," She continued.

"And did he believe you?" Poe asked.

"We're not planning anything.... Are we?" Rey asked Poe. Poe looked down and his eyes shifted.

"I have a few back up plans in mind..." He admitted. "Just in case we need them."

Rey frowned.

"Did he say if they're planning anything?" Rose asked.

"I doubt he would tell me if they were." Rey replied.

"Something fishy is going on with the First Order." Finn said sternly. "I just don't know what it is."

"Why would he come and just talk to you?" Rose wanted to know.

Rey hoped they couldn't see the pink rising in her cheeks.

"I... I don't know." Rey said, shuffling her feet against the ground.

"Rey." Came a calm but stern voice from behind the group. They turned to find Leia.

"General." Rey said, her hands dropping to her side.

"May I have a word?" She asked Rey. Her eyes went to the others standing around her. "In private?"

Oh no. Was she in trouble? It's not like she wanted to talk to Ben. Well.... It's not like she invited him over....

"Sure." Rey said. She brushed past her friends and followed Leia through the back of the base and down a cold and winding hallway.

They entered what Rey assumed to be Leia's room. There was a desk and chair along with a quaint dining table and a small bed. C3-PO was hovering in the corner.

"Hello General. Miss.... Uh.... Miss Rey." C3-PO said, struggling with his programmed formalities.

"Threepio, please get us some tea." Leia ordered the droid.

"Right away, General." He shuffled from the room.

"Excuse me." He said politely to Rey as she stepped aside to let him exit the quarters.

Leia went and sat down at the table, the skirt of her gray dress billowing around her feet. She motioned for Rey to take the seat across from her. Rey slowly took a seat. Leia folded her hands neatly in front of her, laying them on the table.

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