All Of Me

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Author's Note: Second to the last chapter you guys! A little bit shorter than I expected. The finale may be a doozy then, we'll see. For now - enjoy!

*briefly inspired by 'All Of Me' by John Legend*

"What if this is a trap?" Finn said, grabbing Poe's arm to stop him as he went to run towards his fighter.

"For goodness sake, Finn. Are you ever positive about anything?" Leia scolded as she brushed past the men on her way to her shuttle.

"She's right, you know." Poe said to Finn. Finn blushed, feeling embarrassed. He dropped Poe's arm.

"All right. Let's go." He said.


Ben came to, groaning as he rolled over on the cold and hard floor beneath him. His eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of his surroundings, soon discovering he was in a holding cell.

His head was throbbing. He went to raise his hand to the back of his head and found his wrists bound with metal cuffs. He grunted as he tried to break free of the restraints. His grunts turned to a half cry of frustration and pain as a searing heat shot through his arms. His Force was contained and he felt helpless. He felt angry. And most of all, he felt worried. For Rey.

He had no idea what was going on. He remembered returning from the meeting with the Guavians when Phasma and two troopers attacked him. His brow furrowed at Phasma's actions. So much for her loyalty to him. Hux probably put her up to it. He was half surprised he hadn't woken up to Hux standing over him gloating. What was that ginger haired bastard up to?

A sniffle caught his attention and his head whipped up, staring past the bars of his cell. He squinted into the adjacent cell, scrambling to his feet.



"REY!" He cried, shuffling to the cell bars.

Rey's face came into view, a shadow cast in her eyes. Her face was puffy from crying, a red welt raised on her left cheek. Ben's eyes narrowed.

"You're hurt. Who hit you? Was it Hux? Are you all right?" He asked in succession, his mind running a mile a minute.

Rey just stared at him, her lower lip trembling.

"Rey?" He asked, leaning against the cell bars for support - still woozy from his assault.

"Am I a bet?" Rey whispered.

"What?" Ben asked, startled by her words.

"Am I a bet?" Rey asked again, louder this time. "AM I A BET? HAS ALL OF THIS BEEN A FUCKING BET????" Rey shouted at him angrily, her teeth gnashing with every word.

So she knew. Of course she knew. She wouldn't be down here if she didn't.

"Rey.... I..." Ben stuttered, his eyes looking down away from her intense shameful eyes.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH!" She shouted, gulping down a sob.

The air was thick as an awkward silence momentarily drifted through the room.

"Yes." Ben answered, his head hung low. Dare he look up at her? He did. Tears streamed silently down her face, her face a mixture of hurt and disappointment. His heart felt heavy at the sight.

"How could you...." She whispered, sniffling. She raised her wrists and wiped at her eyes with her arms since her hands were also bound. "Why?"

"Because.... Because I was being selfish."

Rey scoffed.

"I didn't intend for you to find out."

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't." Rey lashed out acidly.

The General's Bet - A Reylo Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now