...Ready For It?

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Author's Note: Slightly shorter chapter. I will have more uploaded later this week so fear not. I'm glad everyone is enjoying this story so far! Thanks so much for the votes and comments. I love them and I love my readers! ♡

*inspired by '...Ready For It?' by Taylor Swift*

Rey awoke with a start. She was strapped to a metal chair. The one from Starkiller Base. She tugged at the restraints, testing their strength. She stared at the man in the mask in front of her. Kylo Ren.

"Where am I?" She asked him.

"You are my guest." He replied from his crouched position in front of the chair. His head titled lazily to the side.

"You still want to kill me." He mused quietly, the mask distorting his voice.

"That's what happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask." Rey replied.

Kylo stood up and reached his hands to the sides of his mask. There was a hiss and a click as the mask was removed. He lightly shook his dark hair as it was freed from its confinements.

Her eyes studied his face, shocked by she saw. He was a handsome man, but still - he was a killer. She knew she ought to fear him but she did not. She found herself more nervous about her lack of fear than she was about his approaching figure.

"You know I can take whatever I want." Kylo purred to her. He raised a hand and the restraints were lifted from her legs and wrists.

Rey looked around in confusion. What was he doing?

"I'm not giving you anything." She purred back.

"We'll see." He said. And then without warning he was pinning her arms back to the chair with his hands, forcing his mouth upon hers.

He was hungry for her and she could feel it. Not only from his hold on her, but from the Force as well.

She found herself leaning upwards off of the chair and into his hovering figure. She fiercely kissed back, the feel of his hair tickling her cheek.

He leaned a knee in-between her legs. Mostly to steady himself, but Rey still felt the growing heat from her womanhood as his knee inched it's way upwards.

She bit his bottom lip gently, then a bit harder, wanting all the access she could handle. Her tongue was granted access and she could almost taste the darkness in him. He let one of her hands free and she immediately tangled it in the hair at the nape of his neck. He caressed her face with his free hand. She found herself beginning to slightly grind against his knee.

"You are mine now." He purred into her ear as she lightly panted.

"I am yours." She whispered back.


Rey quickly sat up in bed. Despite the coldness of the room, she was boiling hot. She quickly wriggled out from underneath the thick gray comforter trying to cool off.

What the Kriff did she just dream???

She looked around, almost expecting herself to be back on Starkiller Base. But she was still in the small makeshift bedroom of the Falcon. She sighed heavily, her breath letting out a slight fog in the icy room.

She raised a hand to her head and could feel pieces of hair stuck to her damp forehead. Her hair clung to the back of her neck as well. She felt damp in other places too, which caused her to blush.

'It was only a dream. It was only a dream.' She thought to herself as she wiped the sweat from her neck and brow.

She rolled back over under the covers. She never had a dream quite like that before. And about him, of all people. She rolled over to the other side, trying to get comfortable.

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