Chemicals React

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Author's Note: I hope ya'll have gotten a chance to check out the songs I've chosen for the chapters. This one in particular I felt had a lot of Reylo to it. ♡ As always - happy reading!

*briefly inspired by 'Chemicals React' by Aly & AJ*

Rey's mind was screaming at her. WHAT WAS SHE DOING?

She just agreed to having dinner with him. She said the word 'lovely' to him. Hell, she didn't know what had come over her that caused her to lean up and kiss him, but she did it anyways. On the scar she gave him no less!

Ben stood frozen. Maybe he was panicking too.

Wait. He asked if she wanted to stay for dinner. He didn't say have dinner WITH him. Right? Maybe he meant just have dinner on the cruiser. Take part in what they had to eat.

"Where do you usually eat?" Rey asked, heading back towards the kitchen, cradling the flowers in her arms.

Ben snapped out of his state of shock.

"In here. By myself." He said slowly.

'Kriff!' Rey thought. He did mean dinner with him.

"What time is dinner?" Rey asked, browsing his kitchen for a large glass for the flowers. The cabinets were very bare. It was quite obvious Ben stayed to himself, even when amongst the First Order.

Ben looked at the chronometer next to his bed.

"Not for another three hours."

"Three hours?" Rey asked, as she found a glass tall enough to use for the flowers. "What will we do until then?"

'Dammit, I said 'we'.' Rey thought as she filled the glass from the small metal sink in the kitchen.

Ben smirked. She said 'we.'

"I suppose I could show you around the cruiser....." Ben said, trailing off. "Unless you have any more pointless questions for me."

"No." She said, a tad sharply - giving Ben a quick glare at his attitude. Rey set the flowers in the glass.

"A walk sounds nice." She said, coming out from the kitchen and back towards him. "I feel out of my element here. It would be nice to see what your days are like for a change."

"It hasn't changed much." Ben admitted as he turned around and opened the door, Rey following him out.

"What do you mean?" Rey asked.

"Since I became Supreme Leader."

"Oh." Rey said. She fell in step with Ben as he stalked down the hall towards the elevator.

"You look nice today." Ben said to her, breaking the silence in the elevator.

"Thank you" Rey said, looking down at her new sweater. "The clothes Phasma brought me are nice. I like them very much"

"Then I'm glad my money was well spent." Ben said, stepping out of the elevator.

"Your money?" Rey asked.


"You bought me these?"

"Phasma took creative liberties with my credits. It's her you should be thanking." Ben explained.

"But you asked her to buy me clothes. To dress me for the gala? Why?"

Ben sighed.

"I thought you didn't have any pointless questions for me." He told her.

"This isn't a pointless question." Rey argued.

"Let's just say.... You also make me feel out of my element...." Ben told her, stopping in his steps. Rey nearly ran into him.

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