Dirty Little Secret

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder to check out my Wattpad profile for some exciting news! Also, I'll be out of town next weekend so if you're lucky - you guys will get one more update before I head out. And as always, enjoy! ♡

*briefly inspired by 'Dirty Little Secret' by The All-American Rejects*

Finn walked down the white hall that led to the hangers. He wanted to apologize to Rey. Needed to, really. He had let his anger get the best of him. But Rey was his friend, one of his first since he escaped the First Order. He didn't want to see her get hurt. He knew he had to trust her. Not only her, he also had to trust that Leia knew what she was doing. Sending Rey off to the Finalizer to gather intel using her Force abilities was dangerous. Especially with Kylo Ren as the Supreme Leader.

Finn rounded the corner and into the hanger, stopping dead in his tracks.

The Falcon hadn't returned. It's usual parking spot bare save for a crate of spare parts and an oil tarp.

Finn hurried over to Poe's X-Wing. He hefted himself up the ladder, seeing Poe fast asleep in the cockpit, his head leaning heavily on his shoulder. Finn rapped loudly on the window with his knuckles. Poe woke up with a jolt and wiped the drool from the side of his chin. Poe raised the window of the fighter, BB-8 emitting a soft mewl as he woke from sleep mode.

"Hey buddy. Good morning." Poe said, stretching.

"Not good morning." Finn said, clearly upset. "Where's Rey?"

"She never came back?" Poe said, looking around the hanger. "Hmm." He remarked. He didn't seem as bothered as Finn.

"We need to send out a ship to the Finalizer immediately." Finn said, looking around the hanger in a panic.

"Finn, relax." Poe said to Finn, laying a hand on Finn's shoulder. "Leia never would have sent her if she didn't think her capable of this task."

"But you don't know the First Order like I do." Finn complained for the thousandth time. Poe sighed.

"I know." Poe said. "You've just got to trust the General on this one, all right? Look." He reached in his pocket and pulled out the tracking device Leia had previously given Rey.

"We're tracking her again?" Finn asked, breathing a small sigh of relief.

"It worked last time, didn't it?" Poe said, pocketing the tracker once again. "Listen, Rey will be fine. She will find out the truth."

Finn nodded, recalling some of Han's first words to him back on the Millennium Falcon. That women always figure things out. ALWAYS.

"Rey knows to activate it if she's in trouble." Poe continued. "Besides, she's a big girl. She knows what she's doing."


Rey woke up slowly, shifting to her side and pulling the covers up to her chin. The bed was warm, a pleasant sensation compared to the past nights of frigid temperatures that she had endured. She stretched her legs under the covers, recoiling them almost instantly as her toes brushed against something warm and slightly hairy. A leg that was not her own.

Her eyes widened as she sat upright in the bed. That's right. Ben.

It was all coming back to her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she mentally scolded herself.

She had sex with Ben. Her first time, too. She recalled how after they had finished, Ben had wordlessly gotten up from the bed, cleaned himself off and tossed her a black thermal shirt as he readied for bed. Rey glanced down at herself. She was still dressed in it. She pulled the collar away from her neck and lightly sniffed it. It smelled like him and she found herself smiling to herself.

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