"Earth to Hinata..." he whispers louder and gets close to my face and waves his hand in front of me. GAWH! He is so close!

I jump and screech loudly. He jumps back and everyone looks at me. No the attention... my face is really really hot...

"Is something wrong Hinata?" The teacher asks. I nod fast and hide my face.

"Ok..." she says confused. Everyone stops putting their attention on me. Thank god.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get so close but you were just zoned out." Naruto says. I smile at him with my eyes closed.

"Honestly the way you blush makes you look so cute..." He says and covers his mouth quickly. I feel heat rise up to my face again.

"U-uh... t-thanks..." I say. I'm so embarrassed but he is so sweet!

"I... didn't mean to say that out loud..." he rubs the back of his head and gives a awkward smile.

"I... have to work after school..." I say sadly.

"Wait you work?!" He asks a little loud. I nod and grab my phone to check the time. Ugh this class is so long.

"Yea... I work at a cafe with my friends..."

"Oh cool... uh maybe another time" he smiles and grabs his phone.

Maybe he could go to the cafe with me and after I do my 3 hour shift we could hang out or something... I don't know.

"I don't want to sound desperate or anything but uh... maybe you could..." I say.

"I'll do it!" He says interrupting me. I didn't even finish what I was saying...

"Um... ok" I giggle. His eyes get huge and laughs. What did I do?!!

"That was a cute sound!" He whispers loud. Ok I've been blushing way too many times in this class... and it's only been 20 minutes into this class.

The rest of class is spent by the teacher learning an easy lesson. Everyone one in class either sleeping or am their phone. I'm on my phone obviously. Naruto and Sai arguing and also on their phone.



I grab all my stuff and put them in my backpack. I put it over my shoulder and grab my phone and earbuds. Should I say bye to Naruto?

"Um-" I was interrupted.

"Hina-" Naruto started to say but stopped.

"Wait you first!" Naruto says.

"I was just going to say bye" I smile. So does he. "Same!" He laughs and I join him.

"Well bye!" He says. "Ok lovebirds! Naruto we need to get to our other class" Sai says and gives me a eye closed smile. Wait they have their next class together? Lucky...

I smile and walk out. I hear them pick at each other as I walk out.

"WAIT HINATA!" Naruto yells as I'm in the hallway. I turn around. Girls are trying to hug him and kiss him. He trying pushing em off. "GET AWAY!" He yells at them.

Their faces turn from happy to sad. I kinda feel bad for them. They stop and walk away. Naruto has a sorry look on his face and walks towards me.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Can you meet me at the gates after school?" He asks. Of course I will!!!!!

"Um yeah!" I say quickly in excitement.

He laughs. "Ok!" He mocks me.

I give him a smile. "Sorry words just came out too quickly..."

"Don't be sorry!" He laughs. Sai comes walking towards us.

"Naruto let her go to her class your going to make her late."

"Sai" Naruto says pissed off and in a low voice turning his head to him.

"I'll see you after school..." I say softly. He looks at me and nods.

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