-Call Me Bre- 11

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"Brennly, please?" His voice was weak, desperate. He wanted nothing more than for her to not run away from him. He wanted to hold her in his arms, call it cliche, but god damn he liked this girl.

Brennly's breath hitched as her speed walking came to a halt when he spoke. She had been walking home from the library, a few days after Calum had shown up at her house. She pulled her leather jacket closer to her body, gnawing on her bottom lip. Her head hung low as she turned around to him. Her eyes locked in with the gravel on the sidewalk.

Calum sighed, shoving his cold hands into his black ripped jeans. He swayed back and forth on his heels as the fall wind blew through his mop he calls hair.

"What did I do?" He asks after a few moments of them just standing there. Brennly shook her head, she could feel the tears ready to fall, She felt the metallic taste of blood on her bottom lips from how hard she chewed.

"You-" Brennly took a deep breath, her mouth opening. her voice hoarse and cracked. Calum's eyebrows raised when he heard the noise. He wanted nothing more than to encourage her to speak further, but decided that wasn't smart.

Brennly took a shaky breath and tried again, "You-you isn't go-od" Brennly sighed. Her throat was burning, for she had forgotten how it felt to speak her mind. She forgot how her own voice had even sounded, it was husky, on the deeper side, but it interested her, it was unique.

"Brennly-" Calum started, taking a step towards her. She shook her head vigorously and then wrapped her arms around herself, taking two steps back before sprinting off. Calum called out to her but she ignored him, tears flying in the wind as she ran to her house. Her heart racing and throat burning, for it, had been almost two years since she had spoken.

When Brennly reached her house, she opened the door and slammed it behind her. Her back hitting the wall, sobs leaving her lips. She didn't know what she was honestly crying over, Calum? Or the fact that she forgot she had a voice.

"Brennly?" Cara called out from the kitchen, stir-fry sizzling in a frying pan, her adding black pepper to it. "Is that you honey?" she continued. Brennly covered her mouth to make her sobs inaudible. She took a deep breath, wiping away her tears and walked towards the kitchen.

Cara glanced at her when she walked in and instantly knew something was wrong.

"Hey, what happened? Did they not have 'Anatomy of a scandal?'" she joked but frowned when she saw Brennly's tears slip down. She took off her apron, turned off the stove, and walked towards Brennly, wrapping her arms around the frail girl's body.

Brennly couldn't handle it, she broke down in her mother's arms. wrapping her arms around Cara, her light makeup smearing on her white t-shirt.

"I-I spoke," Brennly whispered after a few moments. Cara froze her eyes widened as she released Brennly and examined her daughter. For she had never even heard her voice, not once.

When she adopted Brennly, she was already mute by then. Cara never being able to break the hold over her, she had figured her parents' death's drove her to this decision and never questioned it. She tried her best to make Brennly feel welcome in her house, her eventually becoming the exemplary mother Brennly never had.

"Oh my God," Cara yelled, a bright smile coming to her face as she held Brennly closer. Her sudden loudness cause Brennly jumped a little, but a small giggle left her mouth at her mother's reaction.

"Baby, that's great. Geez, your voice is deep, but its cute," Cara babbled. Brennly sighed, her smile faltering as she remembered the first thing she has said in two years was that Calum wasn't good. But she doesn't even know if that's true, she never let him explain. He doesn't even know that she know's ,and she can't help but feel guilty.

She needed to apologize, but she didn't know how to do that.

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now