-Call Me Bre- 8

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It was happening again, Brennly was having the dreams. The ones that always haunted her conscience ever where she went. The ones that made her want to scream yet cry at the same time. the ones that made her blame herself, the voice in her head constantly telling her that the way her life was going was all her fault. 

Her heavy eyes opened. This time she didn't scream, she didn't even have tears in her eyes and that scared her. Had she become used to the dreams, was she not able to react anymore. 

What scared her, even more, was the tap on her window. Her eyes widened when she saw none other than Calum Hood holding on to the tree outside her window. She felt she had been transported to some cliche high school movie, oh god, that's what her life has become, hasn't it? 

"Before you ask me what I'm doing here, or wait would you even ask me that? Um, nevermind, but here" Calum stuttered and held out a cd for her. 

Confused Brennly took it in her hands and read the slightly messy words written on it. 

"For when the thoughts get to your head" 

A slight smile grew on her face and she looked up at Calum that was staring at her intently waiting for a reaction. She threw her arms around her neck and pulled him into a hug. 

It had been about two weeks since the day at Brennly's job, ever since Calum had been making excuses to talk to her. He would ask for her to write down how to do a math problem or he would purposely try to catch her in the library, where she went every other day to get new books about music. He could tell that she was really interested in music, not like how everyone else was and listen to mumbling rappers, but she listened to it for a purpose. He figured, a lot must go through her head, that's why she wanted to block it out. 

Calum understood that, part of the reason why he played the bass. It blocked out his parents arguing every day. It helped him cope, and he admired her because he had found someone that was normal. 

Normal wasn't the word anyone really used to describe Brennly, so when he told her that she was normal to him she was extremely confused. 

After they let go, Brennly bowed her head and turned to put the cd away. Calum watched her as she walked back to window with her head still down. 

"Can I come in?" he asked, voice cracking and he cursed under his breath when it did. 

Nervously Brennly nodded, closing the window as Calum awkwardly climbed through it, trying not to make too much noise. 

It was in fact 12 am, but Cara wasn't even home since she had an overnight shift. Brennly was alone, in her house with Calum, that totally doesn't help her anxiety. 

'Act cool, dont do anything stupid' 

She repeated in her head and as she walked towards her bed, she hit her toe on her armchair. A pained cry left her mouth and Calum whipped around from walking around her room admiring the artwork and ran towards her. 

"You okay?" he asked concerned and Brennly waved him off and nodded. She regained her composure and sat crossed legged on her bed. 

Calum nodded and resumed looking at her walls. "Did- did you draw these?" he asked pointing to a drawing of Brennly's mother. Her golden blonde hair flowing down her back, dark eyes staring at the white flower in her hand. Her skin was clear of any blemishes and wrinkles even though she was in her early forties when she died.

Brennly had drawn that picture so that when she remembered her mother that's what she saw, not the empty body in the black casket. The painting was in black and white since all Brennly owned was black pastels and white paper. 

"She's beautiful," Calum stated and Brennly nodded in agreement. For her mother was beautiful but her soul had become empty as she got older.

"Is that your mom?" Calum asked as he turned around and leaned against Brennly's white desk. She nodded, eyes still trained on the floor. Calum had known the whole story, how her mother overdosed, and how her father was murdered. Everyone had tried to blame Brennly for the murders, saying her and her brother were mastermind murders. However, he didn't believe pesky rumors, a girl so innocent and beautiful couldn't do something like that. 

He moved and sat next to her on her bed, sighing as he looked at his shoes. He rubbed his feet back and forth on Brennly's carpet, just for shits and giggles. Brennly put a hand on his leg asking him to stop and he chuckled but obliged. 

"You know, I wouldn't climb a ten-foot tree for anyone, you're pretty special Bre," he smirked when Brennly made a gag face at his words. He let out a chuckle, "I know that was horrible, but its true Bre, you're something else"  

Brennly tried to hide her blush at his words. For she had heard those words before but for a different meaning, to make her feel small and like a freak by other people, but this time was different. The feeling felt ominous for she actually felt happy for a few seconds.

Calum smiled and leaned forward placing a kiss on her cheek which caused her blush even harder. She thanked God for the darkness in her room, besides her nightlight which she hoped Calum hadn't seen. A toy train night light wasn't exactly attractive. Wait, what she thinking, she didn't like Calum, not at all, he was too perfect for her, there was no way he would ever even consider her, he was just doing this out of pity. 

That's when the tears came. Even though she tried her best to no ruin this moment, her brain wouldn't let her be happy for more than five seconds. Calum frowned, and lifted her face to wipe away her tears, he examined her pale face, the most of what he could see in the dark.

Her eyes were still bright as ever, and her soft skin tickled his coarse hands. He thought maybe he should kiss her, but no, it was too soon, he had to take this slow, he couldn't lose her so quickly, so being friends, even if she considered him that, is what he would take for now. He wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his black hoodie. 

They sat like that for a while until they fell asleep on Brennly's bed, his arms around her and Brennly's head on his chest. Brennly hadn't felt safer in a while and that made her soul smile. 

Author Note, 

I know its cheesy, but I love cheesy. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave a comment and tell me what you think. Have a wonderful day, or night whenever you're reading this. 

Later, Lovelies.

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now