-Call Me Bre- 6

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Chapter six

Brennly woke with a start. She had yet another nightmare, but this one was different, it was more like a memory than a dream. However, it had faded away before she could even decipher it. Sweat trickled down her forehead, causing her dark hair to stick her face like it did every time. She leaned forward, raised her knees and rested her head in her hands. She was happy she didn't wake up Cara, again, she hated herself for depriving her mother of sleep.

Before she even knew it, she started crying. A sob leaving her lips every few seconds as she remembered everything from the past few years. She had wondered why her father had to be taken away from her, only two years after her mother died. Even though her mother treated them like shit, she didn't even care about them much it was always her father providing, financially and with love and affection. Her mother only came to her father when she needed money then disappeared for the night and came back the next morning high off of,  God knows what.

Her father always let her back in, because he was in love with her. Brennly never even heard her mother say "I love you", to anyone.

Brennly sighed and wiped the tears from her face. She hated crying, it made her feel weak, even more than she already felt. She got up from her bed and grabbed her phone. We saw she had a new message, she glanced at the time.

Who the hell is texting me at 3 am?

She thought before opening up the message. It was an unknown number yet again, but this time it wasn't Kitty.

Unknown number

3:02- You're really pretty

Brennly's eyebrows furrowed. Was the text meant to be a compliment? because 1. It is really creepy, 2. She's not even pretty so why are they lying.

She ignored the text and placed her phone back on the nightstand and got underneath her warm covers. She had to work tomorrow. She had surprisingly survived her first week of high school, while ignoring everyone, especially Calum. She just sat with Kitty every day at lunch and ignored the whispers about her, about Calum, and about her and Calum. She hadn't even spoken to the boy, not like she would,  and everyone was so riled up about it.

He had sneaked glances at her, especially in their English class they had together, which was horrible since the teacher couldn't control the students talking. She wished he could though because of course, they were talking about her.

He even talked to her once and she freaked out internally when he did. He told her he liked her glasses. No one had ever liked her giant circled glasses, they always made fun of her and called her 'Harry Potter'.

The thought of the memory with Calum and Brennly smiled but it's quickly disappeared as she remembered who she was, and who he was. No way in hell would he ever be her friend, let alone be seen with her.

A supposed accomplice to her fathers and mother's murders isn't exactly friendship material.

Brennly sighed and rolled over on to her side and shut her eyes once again, and blocked out her thoughts and forced herself to sleep, knowing tomorrow would be better because she'd be going to her favorite place.


The sunlight acted as an alarm for Brennly. Annoyingly awaking her from her slumber. Her dark eyes opened, the bright light striking her eyes as she did. She sat up and ran her hands over her face, feeling her makeup smear even more. She cursed at herself for forgetting to take it off when she came home.

Her phone rang, she saw it was a blocked number. She sighed and accepted it.

"Willow Field's penitentiary facility is forwarding a call, press one of you would like to accept"

A recorded female's voice stated in her ear.

Brennly's heart started racing her chest. Her brother, her brother was calling her. She pulled the phone from her ear and stared at it in disbelief. She hadn't spoken to him in a year, well she hadn't spoken to anyone in a year but that's beside the point. She quickly hung up. Tears formed in her eyes as she sighed heavily.

What would he even say to her? she was sure he never wanted to speak to her again, considering she's part of the reason why he went to jail.

'If I had just told the police what happened-'

She shook her head and ignored her own thoughts, threw herself out her bed and headed to the shower.

She had an hour to get to work and since Cara wasn't home, she would have to take the bus, which she hated.

It was so crowded and loud, and she felt uncomfortable. She would even feel judged and wondered too why no one would sit next to her, but then she didn't want them to sit there anyway.


A few hours later, Brennly was folding some knitted sweaters on a stand. She had her ears plugged, blasting with music, mostly soft classical music. She played it to block out her thoughts, it soothed her.

When she glanced across the store to see what her coworker Gwen was doing her eyes widened. Right there, staring back at her was Calum. His signature smile forming on his plump lips as he stared back at her.

Brennly quickly averted her gaze, a light blush rising on her pale face. She turned her back to him which caused his smile to falter before he excused himself from the bleach blonde,  Gwen.  Gwen looked at him in disgust before sashaying away.

Calum walked slowly towards Brennly as if she would explode if he got too close. He cleared his throat and placed his hands in his pockets. Not before fixing his T-shirt and his hair,  of course.

"Hey" He stated confidently. He frowned when all he got back was the back of Brennly's head.

"Hey" He repeated himself a little more loudly, it caused Brennly to jump in reaction.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" He joked light when Brennly turned around and stared up at him with wide eyes. She opened her mouth, but closed it back shut and walked quickly away.

"Wait!" Calum shouted after her, and she reluctantly turned around, not even making eye contact with him.

His eyes ran over her and she could feel them boring into her. Her face grew even redder, and her hands fumbled with the ring on her right hand.

"Um, do you have these in a large? " Calum grabbed the first thing he saw on a rack which was a bright pink dress unfortunately and he cursed under his breath.

A light giggle left Brennly's mouth at his embarrassment. A wide smile formed on Calum's lips at the sound and his heart raced even more.

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now