- Call Me Bre- 1

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Empty. That was the only emotion that Brennly Kent felt as she watched her father fall to the ground. She watched as his lifeless body fell creating a loud roar on her hardwood floor. The knife still lodged in his neck and blood traveling from his hefty body. Her mouth was still ajar in fear, as she has just witnessed her father's murder. The killer escaping out the door before she could see their face. Their dark and tall structure and hidden identity raced out of her home.

She tried to scream but nothing came out. Tears endlessly just flowing out her dark brown eyes, stained her fair skin. Her knees collapse hitting the floorboard almost the same way her father did. She crawled over to him hugging his body shaking it as if it would bring him back to life. But, he was gone.

She didn't know how long she sat there in his blood before the police came. They had pounded down her door yelling for her to let them in, but she couldn't move. She just stayed there holding her knees as she sobbed into them, his blood staining her white jeans and her hands.

The front door was knocked down and police swarmed her house holding their guns up looking for any threats, but all they found was a sixteen-year-old brunette clinging to her father's body.

After that day Brennly wasn't the same person. Her bubbly personality had disappeared. She didn't want to speak to anyone, especially not the police who had the nerve to bombard her with questions when her father had only died five minutes ago. She had just sat in the interrogation chair, tears flowing down her face and the memory of his body flowing through her head. She couldn't get it out of her mind. No matter what she did.

They put her in foster care and now she was going to to have to live with strangers. People that knew nothing about her and were judging her with every move she made. She hasn't said anything to anyone in the last year she has been here. A nod for yes, and a shaking of the head for "no" is the only way she could communicate.

The only person in her life was her foster mother Cara who had become her only friend, after a year of moving to different homes. No one wanted the quiet freak as a daughter. She had taken her in, even after she heard what happened to her father; ignored the articles accusing Brennly of killing him. Cara treated her as her own, and she still does, even though Brennly was seventeen now and soon she would be a legal adult. She'll be able to live on her own, no need for a guardian to protect her from the harsh world, she would have to do it on her own, and in all honesty that scared the crap out of her.


"Bre, Bre" Cara shook her daughter's shoulder softly. Cara had come into her room after hearing her screaming, again. It happened every night, Brennly would have horrible night terrors, feeling as if she wouldn't be able to wake up from them, crying, screaming, and Cara would have to come calm her down.

Brennly woke with a start, sobs leaving her plump lips, her dark brown hair sticking to her fair skin as her coffee eyes watered. She shook her head and sobbed the memories flashing through her mind.




Her thoughts came like whispers in the night. They ran through her mind like a marathon until the only color she saw was red.

"It's okay, the dream is over" Cara whispered, and she hung onto her daughter, a few waterworks ready to fall as she felt the ache in her heart for this traumatized girl. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her, but at the same time, she wanted nothing more than to take the bad things away.

"I'm sorry" was the current thought running through her mind. She hated herself, she hated that she was such a burden to Cara. She had to take away her mother's sleep and disrupt her schedule. Cara barely got any sleep since she was a nurse, and now she was making things worse for her.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," she said to herself and just sobbed even harder in Cara's chubby arms.

Cara was a beautiful woman. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, curves in the right places, and it was all natural. Sure she had a little extra on some parts of her body, but that's just more love as she would say. You could see she was aging only a little from her scarce wrinkles and few gray strands, but 50 still looked good on her. Brennly envied her wishing she could be that beautiful but isn't that what most girls do? Deplete their own beauty, and compare themselves to others, "It's a girl thing" when in honesty it's just a human thing.

Cara slowly released herself from Brennly when she saw she was asleep once more. Tears had seeped their way from her face onto her silk pillow. Cara pushed Brennly's hair out her face, placed a kiss on her forehead and left her room, hoping this would be the last tonight, but she knew it wasn't.

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now