Chapter 40: Drama

Start from the beginning

"I have to stay here and make sure he doesn't follow you." Braden says.

"Dude no! Just come with us!" Max says grabbing Braden's arm.

"I can't." Braden says. I look around and see John talking to some people. I don't understand why he wants to hurt me, but I'll talk to him. I walk out from where Max and Braden have me and they are too busy arguing that they don't notice me leaving. I walk up to John and when he sees me he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the gym. He pulls me upstairs and into the school store, that no one goes to, and locks the door.

"Why did you hit Braden?" I ask.

"Why do you care after what he did to you?" John asks.

"How do you know about that?" I ask.

"I really don't think you want to know the answer to that question." John asks flipping his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"I really do." I say.

"Ok, you asked for it. I'm the one who had Jackie kiss Braden." He says evilly.

"That's not why we broke up. We broke up because he kissed back." I say.

"My whole goal was to get him back as a friend, but then Max came and comforted you. My whole plan went to crap, now I've lost both of my friends to you." He says. I can see he's getting mad by the way he's clenching his teeth and how he's slowly making a fist.

"If you really want them as friends again, talk to them. Just don't threaten to hurt me and don't hurt them, and you might have a shot at getting them back as friends. But, I'm not guaranteeing anything. And I'm also not guaranteeing they'll be friends with each other." I say calmly. And his fists relax.

"Ok. I'll talk to them. And if they say no," John says before I cut him off.

"You'll what? Hurt me?" I ask sarcastically.

"Maybe." John says.

"If you hurt me I can guarantee that they will never be friends with you. As long as you don't hit anybody, you should have a shot." I say.

"How am I going to convince them that I didn't hurt you now?" John asks.

"I don't know. Just come with me back to them and I'll convince them that you didn't hurt me." I say. I feel bad for John. I mean, he's lost all of his friends, and he's desperate for them. That's why I decide to help him.

"Ok. Thank you. Should I go find them first and then show them I didn't hurt you?" he asks.

"Sure. Go find them. And bring them outside the front doors. I'll wait up here and look over the railing and once I see you bring them outside I'll be out there. Just do it quickly, I don't want them hurting you either. Wait this is a bad idea what if they do hurt you?" I ask worried.

"If I can get them back as friends, I don't care if I get hurt. Let's just do this." He says.

"Ok." I say, and he walks out of the room. I follow him until I get to the railing, and I see John disappear under the floor I'm standing on. A few seconds late I see John leading Braden and Max out of the front door. They are surprisingly calm, I wonder what John said to them. I can't see them after they walk outside, so I just go down the stairs. When I get to the bottom I see John talking and Braden and Max have fury written all over their faces. John looks over at the door where I'm standing and I give him a small nod. Max and Braden don't notice me. I press my ear to the door and hear a muffled,

"I didn't hurt her, I swear." John says.

"Bull! Where is she?!?" Braden yells.

"She's fine. I swear!" John says.

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