
"It's fine then."



"Did you tell dad?" I asked him after a long silence.

He shook his head, "No," He finished the treatment, "If your father finds out, he might fall into another dilemma and lose his mind further."

I felt my chest tighten.

This is all my fault.

Everything is my fault. I should have done better. How dare I lose myself. A frown appeared on my face and I shook my head at myself.

"Hey, your dad's current condition isn't your fault." Bryan tried to console me.

"We both know that's not true." I couldn't bring myself to look up, "It's all my fault. I messed everything up." I stood up.


"I'll be leaving now, I have school."

"Hey, you can't go to the academy in this condition. You need to rest."

"I'll get expelled." I walked towards the door but he caught my arm.

"We'll issue an explanation." He said.

"And tell them what?" I didn't turn to look at him, "That I can't come because I was beaten up by my mother? And my father isn't even aware?" I gulped, "What if they call dad for confirmation?"

"I can make up a medical report that you're sick." He said, "A fever report is all we need to give them."

I yanked my hand away from him, "I don't want to stay at home." I walked out of the room, "I can't face anyone here."

"Mael..." His voice disappeared into the distance as I made my way out.


All the way to the Academy I kept thinking about what went wrong? Something like that had never happened before.

I massaged my temples. I didn't get to sleep at all because of the pain and I was feeling dizzy. But, I shook my head and tried to pull myself together.

It had been a few years since I last got whipped like that. I had everything under control. So, how did 'that' happen? How could that even happen? Why would I lose my rational thinking like that? All of the sudden? Completely out of the blue?

I got out of the car when we arrived at the Academy and made my way to class. Since Bryan gave me painkillers I was able to bear the pain but I was pretty much out of it the whole time. Usually, people don't bother me, so classes weren't difficult except that Calix is different.

He noticed my weird behavior while Eli didn't even look in my direction. Eli's nonchalant behavior made my pain worse for some reason. Is he going to act like nothing happened between us?

But, wait, isn't that better? So, why do I feel so hurt?

"Mael?" Calix called my name as class ended but I just wanted to leave, "There's something wrong isn't it?" He held my hand when I tried to stand up, "Tell me, what are you trying to face alone?" He made me sit down again.

"It's nothing." It was a little hard to look at anyone's face right now so I kept facing the other way.

"Don't lie to me." He softly caressed my hand, "I told you I'm with you, right?"

"..." I nodded, "I know." I gave him a weak smile, "But it's really nothing." There was no way I could tell anyone what was really happening. Or how messed up my family is.

If I expose one thing, I'll eventually have to open up another. This is my problem, I should deal with it alone.

I finally raised my head to look at Calix. He had a concerned expression on his face and while it made me feel better, it made me feel guilty too.

I will never be able to bring myself to confess my secrets to this man.

I know he's a great person but I also know that when he finds out what I did and how my family is functioning, he'd want to leave me.

"I'm just tired." I gave him the best smile I could conjure at that moment, "I have a lot on my mind." I slipped my hands out of his and stood up, "There's nothing to worry about." I tried to move away once more when he called out my name.

"Mael?" The classroom was empty now, "You don't trust me?"

His words made my heart sting and I froze. It made me realize that perhaps, I really didn't trust him. I consider him a friend but is there anyone I trust? But if I think about this, it's not just about trust, I'd trust Calix with many things but about what I am...

I gulped, "I do," I lied to him.

I shouldn't get a friend involved in my messy life.

"I can tell you're lying." His words made my mouth sew shut, "You look so pale, yet you're saying you're fine?"

My heart hurt. It looked like he genuinely wanted to be of help to me but I can't let him in. What if things go awry? I want us to remain friends.

"I haven't slept, that's all." I looked away.

"You won't tell me anything?"

"You're my friend Calix." I began to leave, "Of course, I'll tell you if I'm in trouble or need help." I smiled.

That is if someone can actually help me. Maybe then, but I know that no one can pull me out of my own problems.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now