Chapter 39 - Visitor's Day

Start from the beginning

We were all quiet for several long minutes, kind of all looking at each other. Then Dean cleared his throat. "Actually, it kind of seems like a good idea to me too. Someone has to make contact with him, and try to get some information. And I certainly don't see any other way. Do you?"

Unfortunately, I didn't have any other bright ideas either. I was afraid for her, but also at the same time I was so proud of her. She stepped right in and took charge of things. And she was good at it! If I were being objective, which I didn't think was really possible, I'm pretty sure I would go along with this idea without a murmur.

No one spoke. I looked at Katie with an expression I thought was probably sheepish, and she winked at me, so I guessed I was off the hook. Geez, I didn't like that feeling. Never felt it before and I never wanted to again. God, she was some woman! And she was MY woman. I realized she was saying something else, and tuned back in.

"...want to help draft what we should say when we make contact with him?"

Everyone contributed ideas, but when it all came down to it, we decided that short and sweet was best. "We know what you are, and we know how you get the stories for 'Supernatural.' Please call (number to be added) and leave a message with a number and a time when we can speak privately. Someone will call you back."

Dean suggested she get a throw away phone that would only be used for this, and pay cash so it couldn't be traced to her. She would leave the phone at her folks' house and go check every hour until we got a message. That way I wouldn't be worried about her for hours on end, so I breathed a little easier.

"Maggie, you're gonna have to babysit the sauce," she said. "Getting the phone won't take long, but I don't know how easy it will be to find a contact for him. But I promise I will come back in two hours to check in, no matter what." And she got up, came over to me and kissed me lovingly, and left. I felt my heart would break with the love and admiration I felt for her at that moment.

Katie's POV

When I got to my parents' car, it was parked in the lot of my mother's favorite grocery store. I grabbed a scrap paper out of the glove box and wrote her a note that I was here and not to leave. Then I went to look for her.

I found her, luckily enough, in the checkout line, and went over and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was really good to see her. She asked where Maggie was, and I said she had to stay because we were making sauce and someone had to be there to stir it. I told her I needed to go buy a phone, and then hit my computer at her house.

We got back to the car and she drove me to a phone center, as I caught her up on our lives. I assured her we were deliriously happy, and that it was no different than if we were living in another country. Well, except that she was at the mercy of us when it came to getting in touch.

I got the phone and we headed home. I found several ways to contact Eric Kripke, and I sent our message through all of them. I set up the phone so it would record his message when it came in. All in all I was gone less than 90 minutes. I thought it best not to tell Mom what I was doing. I just said for them to ignore it if it rang, and that I was just trying to get in touch with a friend.

I also asked her if the car would be home this evening and tomorrow because I suspected we would be doing some portal testing when Jeffries arrived tonight. She promised me they would leave it in the garage until noon the next day at least.

When I got back to the Bat Cave, Cas was gone, Maggie was in the kitchen, and the boys were still in the play room, but were just talking in subdued voices.

"All done," I announced as I came into the room. I quickly told them all I had done and then reached for Sam's hand and took him to our room.

"I'm sorry I came down on you like that," I said holding him close. "It's just that you hit a raw nerve."

"I know," he said, "and you were right. You know I'm not all that experienced with permanent relationships. So yeah, you might have to beat me up and keep me in line from time to time."

I felt much better after making up with Sam, and he looked like he did as well. Then we went our separate ways in this monstrosity of a structure we called home, until dinner time. Maggie and I made some homemade pizza using some of the sauce. It was done enough for that. The boys went crazy over it, and it put everyone in a good mood.

Every hour on the hour I popped home to check for a message on the phone. A little after nine Sam's phone rang, and it was Jeffries calling to say he had arrived, and told Sam where they were waiting.

Since it seemed like Sam was the only one who could, for one reason or another, leave the Bat Cave, he went by himself to lead Jeffries into our compound. He wasn't gone twenty minutes before he arrived back with two men. One looked about eighty years old. He had a crinkly face, a seriously thick mustache, and a warm smile that lit up his eyes. He spoke with a think German accent, though his English was perfect.

The younger man, his son, I suspected rightly, had dark wavy hair, was a little taller than his father but not as tall as Dean, and had a full beard and mustache. But he also seemed warm and friendly and I took to them right away.

Dr. Jeffries was visibly excited and wanted to see the portal immediately. He didn't even want to go freshen up or rest first. So we all went out to the car and showed him how Maggie and I disappeared and reappeared again. He got so animated that I was seriously concerned for his health.

He asked us if anyone else could go through it, and we told him that only Sam and Dean had ever tried it, and that they couldn't. He asked if he could please try it. So I got in the back seat with him held his hands, and said "Take us home."

And son-of-a-bitch, there we were in my parents' garage, both of us. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed wildly. "Oh my God! What does this mean?"

He was so excited, he was laughing and saying stuff in German that I couldn't understand, but it was clear that he was very happy. He grabbed my hands and said, "Oh, my dear girl, I can now die a happy man." He took my hands and kept kissing them. "You have given me my life's dream. Tomorrow, may we come here and allow me to explore your world?"

I said I didn't see why not. We were talking so loudly in our excitement that my mother heard us and opened the garage door into the kitchen. "Oh Katie, dear, it is you. I wanted to tell you that your new phone rang a little while ago, and someone left a message on it."

I jumped out of the car, grabbed my mom and introduced her to Dr. Jeffries, and left her there to talk to him while I ran in to get the phone. This was turning out to be an exciting day indeed.

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