Chapter 2

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I walk downstairs and Ryan meets me in the hall.

"Tay, can you walk me to the park now?" He asks.

I completely forgot! I instantly feel bad bad for him. I promised I'd bring him..

"Oh Ryan, I've just put Jess to my bed."

He sighs and walks to the sitting room. Ryan is not one to let out his emotions, I admire that about him.

I decide to take out the trash to get some air.

As I'm walking back inside, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

Yup, you guessed it.

Matthew Espinosa.

"Hey, Taylor!"

I turn a round to see him kicking a soccer ball against his wall.

"Oh hey.." I say, turning back to the door.

Wait, brainwave.

I could ask Matthew to stay with Jess while I walk Ryan to the park.

I don't give it a second thought.

"Hey, uhm.. Matthew?"

He turns to me, and smiles instantly. Not that crooked smile that I die at the sight of, but this goofy smile, drawn the whole way across his face. It's too cute.

"Yeah?" He answers, while walking across the road and into my lawn where he stands right In front of me.

"Can you do me a favour?" I ask, I'm trying my best to be cute. I'm not sure if it's working..

"It depends.." He says, smoothly.

"On what?" I ask, sharply.

"What I get in return.." He says, while he does kicky uppies with his soccer ball.

"uhm, 5 dollars?" I ask ruffling through my back pocket.

"I don't want money.." He says.

"Well what do you want then?" I ask, seriously confused. This guy is turning down money, what the hell?

"You." He answers blankly.

"Matt-" I begin to say, but he interrupts.

"Deal or no deal, kid."

I roll my eyes.

He grabs my hand.

Sparks are flying right now and I can't control my cheeks from lighting up like lanterns.

"a kiss." I say.

"Deal" he says, shaking my hand.

He leans in and I trick him by leaning in too.

"ah, ah, ah. Not until my favour is done." I say, as I walk to my door and he follows me.

I walk upstairs, I'm still holding his hand, I stand in Jessica's doorway with Matt by my side.

"Can you watch her while I walk my brother to the park?"

"Dude I-"

"Deal or no deal." I say smiling.

"I have an idea, how about I walk your brother to the park and you watch the kid." He says.

"Okay.. Yeah." I say.

We both walk downstairs again.

I lead Matt into the living room where Ryan is sitting.

"Ryan, this is Matthew. Matthew, Ryan."

The Story Of Us (a Matthew Espinosa fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now