Ch.1 Begining

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Alexis p.o.v
Today was the day I start my last year of high School. Let me tell you I'm so excited to see my friends again! I was with my mom's side almost all summer over in England. But if you didn't noticed my parents got divorced so I see my mom here and there. I live with my dad though.

I can't wait to move from Michigan. I honestly want to move because just the feeling. I have the feeling of moving every second because here in Michigan I don't fit in and I don't make friends, except my 3 best friends, and I don't like the way things work here.

I'm all honesty I just want to move to L.A, California. I mean that would be a dream! But I'm not sure if it'll come true. Enough about me but moving on to school.

"Bye dad! I'm going!!" I said in excitement.

"Bye! Have fun!" He said. By the look on his face I could tell something was going good at work. Maybe promotion. My dad works in the army so that'll be awesome!.

I walk to the bus stop noticing I was a couple minutes late. But I'm glad they waited.

I walk on the bus sitting by my best friend Hela. Now if your down she's the one to go to. She can make you laugh out of your socks! She is always the bright funny light in the sky in our little group.

"Hey girl! What's good?" She said in laughter.

"Nothin much. But ayee!Your here!" I said. I giggled a bit because I'm that one person who laughs at themselves.

"So I texted Jack and Chris to meet us at the lockers." I said hoping they actually meet us. They usually ditch us as a joke.

"Are you sure they won't ditch us again. I mean that's what always happens!" Hela said looking at my text to the guys.

Jack and Chris are part of our weird crew. It's just us 4. Jack is the one who is chill with everything!! But Chris he is literally the day dreamer. You talk to him and 5 seconds later he is out of it and is in his own little world.

"I just got a text from Jack. He said he'll meet us there." I said still kinda thinking he won't.

"Ok, cool! What about Chris?" She said worried for some weird reason.

"Yea! He said he won't ditch us and actually meet us there." I said while laughing. He basically read our minds!

"Ok, so let's hope he doesn't ditch after sending us that!" She said. I could see the big smile she had while seeing the text Chris gave.

We arrived at school and I was staring at it like why am I here? I'm only here for friends. So I honestly thought school was a prison. I just came for my friends.

I ran to the lockers with Hela. Suprizingly my locker was right next to hers making us locker buds!

"Yo!Yo! Yo!" I hear someone down the hallway say. It sounds like Chris.

I turn my head seeing Chris and Jack. Suprizing! They didn't ditch!

"Hey guys!" I said. I run up to them and gave them a big hug cause I havn't seen them for 3 months! I was glad they hugged back or else it would be awkward.

"You guys didn't ditch!" Hela said as she walked to give the guys a hug. I don't know why but I feel like something is going on about Hela. I mean she isn't as shy today. Like usual.

"Well my first class is um..." I look down at my schedule making sure I know what class to go to. "First class is L.A." I sighed because language arts was the worst! But when I said L.A it reminded me of the one day I'll move there.

"Hey same" Hela said. No biggy for her. That's the best class for her.

" I got chem" Chris said with a sad face. He wasn't excited but I was. I love chemistry!

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